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Rendering Changes in 4.0.0


The <span class="k-calendar-nav-today k-today"> CSS class has been changed to a Flat button (<button class="k-button k-calendar-nav-today k-button-flat k-rounded-md k-button-md k-button-flat-primary"><span class="k-button-text">Today</span></button>).


The following classes related to the Telerik UI for Blazor Card component have been renamed:

Pre-4.0.0 4.0.0
k-card-actions-start k-actions-start
k-card-actions-end k-actions-end
k-card-actions-center k-actions-center
k-card-actions-stretched k-actions-stretched


  • Added the k-chunk-progressbar CSS class to the <div class="k-progressbar>.
  • Added the k-progressbar-chunks CSS class to the <ul> element.
  • Replaced the k-item class of the <li> elements with the k-progressbar-chunk class.

Common for Date Pickers

  • All date pickers that incorporate a calendar, namely, the DatePicker, DateTimePicker, DateRangePicker, and TimePicker, inherit the change of the <span class="k-calendar-nav-today k-today">CSS class to a Flat button.
  • Added the k-[COMPONENT]-popup class to the popup element of all date pickers, namely, the DatePicker, DateTimePicker, DateRangePicker, and TimePicker.

Common for Selects

The k-[COMPONENT]-popup class has been added to the popup element of all components providing a selection option such as the AutoComplete, ColorPicker, ComboBox, DropDownList, MultiColumnComboBox, and MultiSelect.


  • Added k-rounded-md to the buttons in the predefined dialogs.
  • Renamed the k-window-actions and k-dialog-actions classes to k-window-titlebar-actions and k-dialog-titlebar-actions.
  • Renamed the k-window-action and k-dialog-action classes to k-window-titlebar-action and k-dialog-titlebar-action.
  • Removed the k-dialog-buttongroup class from the <div class="k-actions>.
  • Added k-actions-horizontal, k-window-actions, and k-dialog-actions to <div class="k-actions>.


  • Added the k-editor-window class to all popups.
  • Added the k-editor-toolbar class to the Editor toolbar.


  • Upload button and input are no longer nested but are on one level wrapped inside a <div class="k-upload-button-wrap">.
  • Replaced k-file-group-wrapper, k-file-invalid-group-wrapper, k-multiple-files-group-wrapper and k-multiple-files-invalid-group-wrapper classes with k-file-icon-wrapper class.
  • Replaced k-file-group class with k-file-iconclass.
  • Replaced k-file-name-size-wrapper class with k-file-info class.
  • Removed k-file-name-invalid class from <span class="k-file-name">.
  • Removed k-text-success and k-text-error classes from <span class="k-file-validation-message">.


The k-toolbar-item class has been added to <div class="k-filter-toolbar-item>.


k-form-{size} has been added to the main wrapping element of the Telerik UI for Blazor Form component (<form class="k-form">). It's necessary to introduce the Size options of the Form.


  • Added the k-grid-md class to the <div class="k-grid> element. This action ensures the default medium size of the Gantt tree.
  • Added table-specific classes to the table elements of the Gantt tree:
Prior to 4.0.0 4.0.0 and Later
<table> <table class="k-table">
<thead> <thead class="k-table-thead">
<tbody> <tbody class="k-table-tbody">
<tfoot> <tfoot class="k-table-tfoot">
<th> <th class="k-table-th">
<tr> <tr class="k-table-row">
<td> <td class="k-table-td">
<tr class="k-grouping-row"> <tr class="k-table-group-row">


  • Wrapped the sorting icon in a <span class="k-sort-icon"> element.

      <span class="k-sort-icon">
            <span class="k-icon k-i-sort-asc-small"></span>
  • Added k-grid-{size} to the main wrapping element of the component (<div class="k-grid">). It's necessary to introduce the Size options of the Grid. The child elements inherit the k-grid-{size} class.

  • Added the k-grid-header-table, k-grid-table, and k-grid-footer-table Grid-specific classes to the header, body, and footer of the tables.

  • Added table-specific classes to the table elements of the Grid:

Prior to 4.0.0 4.0.0 and Later
<table> <table class="k-table">
<thead> <thead class="k-table-thead">
<tbody> <tbody class="k-table-tbody">
<tfoot> <tfoot class="k-table-tfoot">
<th> <th class="k-table-th">
<tr> <tr class="k-table-row">
<td> <td class="k-table-td">
<tr class="k-grouping-row"> <tr class="k-table-group-row">

Grid Grouping

  • Removed <div class="k-indicator-container"> in favor of <div class="k-chip>. The Group value is now rendered in a <span class="k-chip-content">. The Close icon is now rendered in a <span class="k-chip-actions"> container.
  • Changed the Close icon from <span class="k-button-icon k-icon k-i-x"></span> to <span class="k-button-icon k-icon k-i-x-circle"></span>.
  • Removed the k-grouping-header-flex class from the grouping header.
  • Renamed the class of the empty <div class="k-indicator-container"> to <div class="k-grouping-drop-container">.


The <div class="k-listview-item"> wrapper has been added to the Item template.


  • Added the k-text-ellipsis class to the <span class="k-chip-label> element.
  • Removed the k-input-values and k-selection-multiple classes from the <div class="k-chip-list"> element.
  • Wrapped the <div class="k-chip-list"> element in a <div class="k-input-values"> container.


  • Removed the <div class="k-notification-wrap"> element.
  • Replaced the closable Notification icon <a class="k-icon k-i-x"> with a <span class="k-icon k-i-x">.
  • Wrapped the closable icon in a <span class="k-notification-actions"> container.


  • Replaced <ul class="k-pager-numbers"> with a <div class="k-pager-numbers">.
  • Replaced the <a class="k-link k-page-nav"> navigation buttons with Flat buttons <button class="k-pager-nav k-button k-button-{size} k-button-flat k-button-flat-base k-icon-button">.
  • Replaced the <span class="k-link> page numbers with Flat primary buttons <button class="k-button k-button-{size} k-button-flat k-button-flat-primary">.
  • Removed the k-floatwrap, k-link, k-pager-wrap, and k-label classes.
  • Added k-pager-{size} to the main wrapping element of the component (<div class="k-pager">). It's necessary to introduce the Size options of the Form.


  • Added the k-progressbar-progress class to the <div class="k-selected> element.
  • Changed the inline style of the <div class="k-progressbar> from --kendo-progressbar-progress to --kendo-progressbar-value. The implemented style controls the progress width and height.


The k-collapse-prev and k-collapse-next classes have been removed from the <span class="k-icon> element.


  • Added the k-toolbar-resizable class to the main <div class="k-toolbar> wrapping element of the component. Applicable when the Toolbar is responsive.
  • Renamed the k-overflow-anchor class to k-toolbar-overflow-button.
  • Added Toolbar-specific classes to all built-in tools such as k-toolbar-button, k-toolbar-toggle-button, k-toolbar-button-group, and more.
  • All template items are now wrapped in a <div class="k-toolbar-item"> element.
  • Added k-toolbar-{size} to the main <div class="k-toolbar"> wrapping element of the component. It's necessary to introduce the Size options of the Toolbar.


  • Wrapped the sorting icon in a <span class="k-sort-icon"> element.

      <span class="k-sort-icon">
          <span class="k-icon k-i-sort-asc-small"></span>
  • Added the k-grid-md class to the <div class="k-grid> element. This implementation ensures the default medium size of the TreeList.

  • Added table-specific classes to the table elements of the TreeList:

Prior to 4.0.0 4.0.0 and Later
<table> <table class="k-table">
<thead> <thead class="k-table-thead">
<tbody> <tbody class="k-table-tbody">
<tfoot> <tfoot class="k-table-tfoot">
<th> <th class="k-table-th">
<tr> <tr class="k-table-row">
<td> <td class="k-table-td">


  • The button and input of the Upload are no longer nested and are now siblings wrapped inside a <div class="k-upload-button-wrap">.
  • Removed the k-header class from <div class="k-upload>.
  • Added the k-upload-async class to <div class="k-upload>.
  • Added the k-upload-dropzone class to <div class="k-dropzone">.
  • Removed the k-upload-status-total class from <div class="k-upload-status">.
  • Removed the k-reset class from the <ul class="k-upload-files">.
  • Replaced <div class="k-progressbar"> with a <TelerikProgressBar> component without visible labels.
  • Replaced the k-file-group-wrapper, k-file-invalid-group-wrapper, k-multiple-files-group-wrapper, and k-multiple-files-invalid-group-wrapper classes with the k-file-icon-wrapper class.
  • Replaced the k-file-name-size-wrapper class with the k-file-info class.
  • Removed the k-text-success and k-text-error classes from <span class="k-file-validation-message">.

Action Buttons

The following changes are applicable when AutoUpload = "false", so the Clear and Upload action buttons are rendered:

  • Added the k-actions-horizontal class to <div class="k-actions>.
  • Removed the k-clear-selected and k-upload-selected classes from the action buttons.
  • Added the k-rounded-md class to the action buttons.
  • Wrapped the buttons text in a <span class="k-button-text"> element.


  • Removed the k-window-wrapper class from <div class="k-window>.
  • Removed the k-dialog-content class from <div class="k-window-content>.
  • Removed the k-dialog-titlebar and k-header classes from <div class="k-window-titlebar>.
  • Renamed k-window-actions to k-window-titlebar-actions.
  • Renamed k-window-action to k-window-titlebar-action.

See Also

In this article