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Rendering Changes in 3.6.0


  • Removed the k-content and the k-calendar-content CSS classes from the <table class="k-calendar-table"> element.

Calendar Navigation CSS classes

Pre-3.6.0 3.6.0
k-nav-today k-calendar-nav-today
k-nav-prev k-calendar-nav-prev
k-nav-next k-calendar-nav-next
k-nav-fast k-calendar-nav-today
k-prev-view k-calendar-nav-prev
k-next-view k-calendar-nav-next


  • Added k-datetime-container CSS class to the <div class="k-popup"> element.


  • Added k-dialog-action and k-window-action CSS classes to the Action Buttons(<button class="k-button">).
  • Removed the k-header CSS class from the <div class="k-dialog-titlebar"> element.


  • Removed the k-drawer-mini CSS class from the <div class="k-drawer"> element when the Drawer is in Expanded Mode.
  • Renamed the k-drawer-left and k-drawer-right CSS classes to k-drawer-start and k-drawer-end.


  • Added k-sorted CSS class to the <th class="k-header"> element when the column is Sorted.
  • Added k-grid-header-menu CSS class to the <span class="k-grid-column-menu"> element.
  • Removed the k-grid-filter CSS class from the <span class="k-grid-column-menu"> element.
  • Added k-grid-filter-menu and k-grid-header-menu CSS classes to the outermost HTML element of the Filter Menu.
  • Added k-first CSS class to the first Menu item.
  • Added k-last CSS class to the last Menu item.


  • Added k-pager CSS class to the outermost HTML element of the Pager.
  • Removed the k-pager-wrap CSS class from the outermost HTML element of the Pager.


  • Added k-panelbar-item CSS class to the <li class="k-panelbar-header">.
  • Removed the k-item CSS class from the <li class="k-panelbar-header">.


  • Added k-disabled class to the <li class="k-radio-item"> element when the RadioGroup item is disabled.


  • Added <span> element that wraps the Show business hours button
  • Removed the k-scheduler-flex CSS class from the <div class="k-scheduler">.


  • Added k-first CSS class to the first TabStrip tab.
  • Added k-last CSS class to the last TabStrip tab.


  • Added k-button-flat-primary and k-time-now CSS classes to the <button class="k-button"> element.


  • Added k-window-minimized CSS class when the Window is minimized.
  • Added k-window-action CSS class to the Action Buttons(<button class="k-button">).

See also

In this article