Change Primary SplitButton On Click
Product | SplitButton for Blazor |
This KB article answers the following questions:
- How to use dynamic primary SplitButton action that changes on click?
- How to make the clicked SplitButton item primary?
- How to switch the SplitButton's default item after click, similar to the Create Pull Request button in GitHub?
- How to create dynamic SplitButton that toggles its primary action when the user clicks on a dropdown item?
- Define a collection of objects that will act as a datasource for the SplitButton.
- Define a property that will store the current primary action of the SplitButton. Use this property to render the primary button
. - Remove the current primary button from the SplitButton datasource and render the remaining
instances in a loop. Make sure to set their@key
attribute to maintain correct component references. - Change the primary SplitButton item in the
handler of the button items in the dropdown.
@* Change SplitButton primary action on click *@
<TelerikSplitButton Icon="@PrimaryButton.Icon"
OnClick="@( () => OnSplitButtonClick(PrimaryButton) )">
var secondaryButtons = AllSplitButtons.Where(x => x.Id != PrimaryButton.Id);
foreach (var button in secondaryButtons)
<SplitButtonItem Icon="@button.Icon"
OnClick="@( () => OnSplitButtonClick(button) )">
Last click action: @SplitButtonLog
@code {
private List<SplitButtonModel> AllSplitButtons { get; set; } = new List<SplitButtonModel>() {
new SplitButtonModel() { Id = 1, Text = "Paste", Icon = SvgIcon.Clipboard },
new SplitButtonModel() { Id = 2, Text = "Paste as Plain Text", Icon = SvgIcon.ClipboardText },
new SplitButtonModel() { Id = 3, Text = "Paste as HTML", Icon = SvgIcon.ClipboardHtml },
private SplitButtonModel PrimaryButton { get; set; } = null!;
private string SplitButtonLog { get; set; } = string.Empty;
private void OnSplitButtonClick(SplitButtonModel button)
PrimaryButton = button;
var now = DateTime.Now;
SplitButtonLog = $"{button.Text} at {now.ToString("HH:mm:ss")}.{now.Millisecond}";
protected override void OnInitialized()
PrimaryButton = AllSplitButtons.First();
public class SplitButtonModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public object Icon { get; set; } = SvgIcon.Gear;