Animate horizontal transition between different content
Product | UI for Blazor |
We want to do some animations to show the flow between some razor components.
I want to change content on my page with an animation.
Something like this:
Animations are best done in CSS (such as CSS3 transitions) or JavaScript. Blazor does not do animations in C# very well, because they are a CSS/JavaScript feature and so the C# part can usually react when it starts or ends (for JS), or control its start when it is a CSS transition through a CSS class. Thus, components that animate would usually wait for one animation to end before they can start the next (this is the behavior of async Task
@* Comments in the code offer more details *@
/*main layout - uses flex, hides the content on the right from view through overflow*/
.the-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: stretch;
border: 2px solid red;
min-height: 300px;
overflow: hidden;
/*inner layout - uses widths to show and hide the content in the flex layout*/
.the-container .expanded {
width: 100%;
.the-container .collapsed {
width: 0%;
/*animate the width*/
.the-container .content {
transition: width 700ms ease-in-out;
/*just some styling*/
.the-container .left {
background: yellow;
.the-container .right {
background: green;
<button @onclick="@( () => Left = !Left )">toggle content</button>
<div class="the-container">
<div class="@( ( Left ? "expanded" : "collapsed" ) + " content left")">
@if (Left)
@* we can use if-blocks to hide components when they are not visible to reduce rendering tree size *@
@* note that showing them again will initialize them from scratch which could be expensive, depending on the app state and setup *@
<div class="@( ( Left ? "collapsed" : "expanded" ) + " content right" )">
@if (!Left)
@code {
bool Left { get; set; } = true;