Blazor Wizard Overview
The Wizard for Blazor component displays content in sequential, stepwise order. Each Wizard step can display any HTML or child components. The Wizard provides flexible layout, form integration and can prevent or allow users to skip steps.
The Wizard uses a Stepper component internally, so knowledge about the Stepper will be a plus, although not required.
Creating Blazor Wizard
- Use the
tag - Set the
parameter to anint
. The parameter supports one-way and two-way binding. - Add some
instances inside aWizardSteps
tag. - Each
can define aLabel
and anIcon
. Additional stepper image or text indicators are discussed later.
Basic Telerik Wizard
<TelerikWizard @bind-Value="@WizardValue">
<WizardStep Label="Start" Icon="@SvgIcon.Gear">
<p>Welcome to the Wizard!</p>
<WizardStep Label="Survey" Icon="@SvgIcon.Pencil">
<p>The user is performing some actions...</p>
<WizardStep Label="Finish" Icon="SvgIcon.Check">
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p><strong>Wizard Value: @WizardValue</strong></p>
@code {
int WizardValue { get; set; }
The Wizard Stepper is the area, which shows the user the overall progress. The Stepper can also allow the user to skip steps, if this is enabled explicitly. Read more about the Wizard Stepper.
The <Content>
tag inside each WizardStep
is a standard Blazor RenderFragment
, which allows any child content.
The Wizard Buttons enable the user to move forward and backward through the Wizard Steps. The Wizard provides the ability to use the built-in buttons or custom buttons. Read more about the Wizard Buttons.
Form Integration
The Wizard can contain a Form component with validation. In such scenarios, the Wizard Stepper can enhance the form's user experience by changing the step's icon to show the current form validation state.
The Wizard component fires events when the current step changes or when the user completes all steps. Step changes can be canceled.
The Wizard can display its Stepper on either side of the component - top (defaut) or bottom, left or right.
Wizard Parameters
Parameter | Type and Default Value | Description |
Class | string | Renders a custom CSS class to the <div class="k-wizard"> element. Use it to override theme styles. |
Height | string | Applies a height style in any supported unit. |
ShowPager | bool ( true ) | Renders a "Step X of Y" label at the bottom of the component. |
StepperPosition | WizardStepperPosition enum ( Top ) | Defines the Wizard layout and the Stepper position with regard to the step content. |
Value | int | Sets the zero-based index of the current step. Supports two-way binding. |
Width | string | Applies a width style in any supported unit. |
WizardStepperSettings Parameters
See section General Stepper Settings.
WizardStep Parameters
See section Individual Stepper Settings.