Blazor Window Overview
This article provides basic information about the Blazor Window component and its core features.
The Window component displays a popup with a title bar and shows custom content. The component provides predefined title bar actions, such as Close, Minimize, Maximize, and Restore. The Window component also supports custom actions, modality, resizing, dragging, and position control.
Creating Blazor Window
- Use the
tag. - Bind the
parameter to abool
property. It supports one-way and two-way binding. - Add content to the
child tag. - (optional) Add some title inside a
tag. HTML markup and child components are supported, too. - (optional) Add a
action inside a<WindowActions>
tag. - (optional) Add a
tag to include custom content in the bottom section of the Window.
Basic Blazor Window
<TelerikWindow @bind-Visible="@WindowIsVisible">
Window Title
Window Content ...
<WindowAction Name="Close" />
Window Footer Content ...
<TelerikButton OnClick="@( () => WindowIsVisible = !WindowIsVisible )">Toggle window</TelerikButton>
@code {
bool WindowIsVisible { get; set; }
The Window can occupy a predefined size on the screen or expand automatically based on the content. By default, users can resize the Window. Read more about the Blazor Window size...
You can make the Window component responsive and allow it to adapt to different screen sizes and changes in the browser window. Here is an example that shows the two possible ways to achieve responsive Window behavior. The first method involves utilizing the Width
and Height
parameters of the component. The second method is to apply custom CSS styles.
You can set the position of the Window with the Top
and Left
parameters. The component features a boolean Centered
parameter, which is true
by default when Top
and Left
are not set. The Window component also provides a ContainmentSelector
parameter that can limit resizing and dragging within the boundaries of a specified container.
Read more about the Blazor Window position...
You can maximize, minimize, or close the Window through the action buttons in its titlebar. Read more about the Blazor Window action buttons...
You can move the Window on the page by dragging its titlebar. Read more about the Blazor Window dragging option...
The Window can be modal and prevent interacting with the rest of the page until it closes. Read more about the Blazor Window Modal...
The Window component fires events for visibility, state, size, and position changes. Use these events to respond to user actions. Read more about the Blazor Window Events...
Window Parameters
The following table lists the Window parameters. Also check the Window API for a full list of parameters, methods, and events.
Parameter | Type and Default Value | Description |
Centered | bool ( true ) | Determines if the Window displays in the middle of the viewport. This parameter is ignored if Top or Left is set to a non-empty string. |
Class | string | The custom CSS class of the <div class="k-window"> element. Use it to override theme styles. Here is a custom Window styling example. |
CloseOnOverlayClick | bool | Sets if a modal Window will close when the user clicks on the modal overlay that covers the rest of the page content. |
ContainmentSelector | string | A CSS selector that points to a unique HTML element on the page. The Window will render inside the specified container. Window resizing and dragging will be restricted by the boundaries of the specified container. Do not use ContainmentSelector with modal Windows. |
Draggable | bool | Sets if the Window allows moving. |
FooterLayoutAlign | WindowFooterLayoutAlign enum ( Stretch ) | The alignment of the HTML elements in the WindowFooter . The possible options are Stretch , Start , End , and Center . |
Height | string | The height style of the <div class="k-window"> element. The parameter supports two-way binding. |
Id | string | The id attribute of the <div class="k-window"> element. |
Left | string | The left style of the Window relative to the browser viewport. The parameter supports two-way binding. If ContainmentSelector is set, the left position is with regard to the defined container. |
MaxHeight | string | The maximum height of the Window during resizing or initial display. For example, if there is a lot of content and a fixed Height is not set. |
MaxWidth | string | The maximum width of the Window during resizing or initial display. For example, if there is a lot of content and a fixed Width is not set. |
MinHeight | string | The minimum height of the Window during resizing or initial display. |
MinWidth | string | The maximum width of the Window during resizing or initial display. |
Modal | bool | Determines if the Window covers the other page content with a semi-transparent overlay. Do not use modality with ContainmentSelector . |
PersistContent | bool | Determines if a minimized Window removes its content from the DOM (default) or hides it with CSS. |
Resizable | bool ( true ) | Determines if the Window allows users to change its dimensions. |
Size | string | A predefined Window width. Use the string members of the static class ThemeConstants.Window.Size - Small , Medium , and Large . They translate to widths of 300px , 800px and 1200px , respectively. If set, the Width parameter will take precedence over Size . |
State | WindowState enum ( Default ) | The Window state can be Maximized , Minimized , or Default . The parameter supports two-way binding. |
ThemeColor | string | A predefined color scheme for the Window, especially the titlebar. Use the available members of the static class ThemeConstants.Window.ThemeColor . |
Top | string | The top style of the Window relative to the browser viewport. The parameter supports two-way binding. If ContainmentSelector is set, the top position is with regard to the defined container. |
Visible | bool | Defines if the Window is rendered and visible on the page. The parameter supports two-way binding. |
Width | string | The width style of the <div class="k-window"> element. The parameter supports two-way binding. |
Window Reference and Methods
The Window methods are accessible through its reference.
Method | Description |
Refresh | Redraws the component. |
Get a reference to the Window and use its Refresh method.
<TelerikButton OnClick="@OpenWindow">Open Window</TelerikButton>
<TelerikWindow @ref="WindowRef" @bind-Visible="@WindowVisible">
Window Title
<WindowAction Name="Close" />
<p role="status">Current count: @CurrentCount</p>
<TelerikButton OnClick="IncrementCount">Increment Count</TelerikButton>
@code {
private TelerikWindow? WindowRef { get; set; }
private bool WindowVisible { get; set; }
private int CurrentCount { get; set; }
private void IncrementCount()
private void OpenWindow()
WindowVisible = true;
Important Notes
When ContainmentSelector
is not set, the Telerik Window component renders as a child of the TelerikRootComponent
at the root of the Blazor app. This placement ensures that the Window can show over all the other page content in all scenarios and have a correct position.
In Blazor, however, the render tree structure may be important. In some cases, the special Window placement may put you in one of the following situations:
- Block all content with a Window
- CascadingParameter Value is null in the Window
- The Window does not display its child items data
- Returning data from a Window does not update the parent
- Using an EditContext for a form holding a Window requires updating the EditContext
Next Steps
- Define Window actions
- Configure the Window position
- Set the Window size, minimized, and maximized state
- Handle Window events