Display Modes
This article explains the Display modes that the Stepper for Blazor provides.
You can configure the desired display mode through the StepType
parameter of the Stepper. It takes a member of the StepperStepType
The default Display mode of the Stepper is Steps
. If labels are defined, with this setup the Stepper will render both indicators and labels.
@* Stepper with both labels and indicators. *@
<div style="width:500px">
<TelerikStepper StepType="StepperStepType.Steps">
<StepperStep Label="Personal Info" Icon="@SvgIcon.User"></StepperStep>
<StepperStep Label="Education" Icon="@SvgIcon.Book"></StepperStep>
<StepperStep Label="Experience" Icon="@SvgIcon.FlipVertical"></StepperStep>
<StepperStep Label="Attachments" Icon="@SvgIcon.Paperclip"></StepperStep>
If you want to display only labels for the steps, set the StepType
parameter of the Stepper to Labels
@* Stepper with only labels. *@
<div style="width:500px">
<TelerikStepper StepType="StepperStepType.Labels">
<StepperStep Label="Personal Info" Icon="@SvgIcon.User"></StepperStep>
<StepperStep Label="Education" Icon="@SvgIcon.Book"></StepperStep>
<StepperStep Label="Experience" Icon="@SvgIcon.FlipVertical"></StepperStep>
<StepperStep Label="Attachments" Icon="@SvgIcon.Paperclip"></StepperStep>