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Spreadsheet Events

The Telerik Blazor Spreadsheet fires events that are related to different user actions. This article describes all events and event arguments.


The OnDownload event fires when the user clicks on the Download button in the Spreadsheet toolbar. The SpreadsheetDownloadEventArgs event argument has the following properties:

Property Name Type Description
FileName string The filename, which will appear in the browser's save file dialog.
IsCancelled bool Sets if the download action will be prevented.

See the example below.


The OnOpen event fires when the user clicks on the Open button in the Spreadsheet toolbar and opens a file for editing from their file system. The Spreadsheet uses a FileSelect component for opening files. The Spreadsheet OnOpen event is similar to the FileSelect OnSelect event.

The SpreadsheetOpenEventArgs argument of the OnOpen event has the following properties:

Property Name Type Description
Files List<FileSelectFileInfo> The List contains one member and it is the file that the user opened. Check the FileSelectFileInfo section in the FileSelect Events documentation for more information about the FileSelectFileInfo properties Name, Size, Extension, and Stream.
IsCancelled bool Sets if the open action should be prevented.


Using the Spreadsheet events

<p><label><TelerikCheckBox @bind-Value="@ShouldCancelEvents" /> Cancel Spreadsheet Events</label></p>

<p>Spreadsheet Event Log: @( new MarkupString(SpreadSheetEventLog) )</p>

<TelerikSpreadsheet OnDownload="@OnSpreadsheetDownload"

@code {
    private string SpreadSheetEventLog { get; set; } = string.Empty;

    private bool ShouldCancelEvents { get; set; }

    private void OnSpreadsheetDownload(SpreadsheetDownloadEventArgs args)
        var now = DateTime.Now;

        args.FileName = $"telerik-spreadsheet-{now.ToString("HH-mm-ss")}";

        SpreadSheetEventLog = $"<code>OnDownload</code> for file <strong>{args.FileName}</strong>.";

        if (ShouldCancelEvents)
            args.IsCancelled = true;
            SpreadSheetEventLog = SpreadSheetEventLog.Insert(0, "<strong>Cancelled</strong> ");

    private void OnSpreadsheetOpen(SpreadsheetOpenEventArgs args)
        var file = args.Files.First();

        SpreadSheetEventLog = $"<code>OnOpen</code> for file <strong>{file.Name}</strong> with size <strong>{file.Size.ToString("n0")}</strong> bytes.";

        if (ShouldCancelEvents)
            args.IsCancelled = true;
            SpreadSheetEventLog = SpreadSheetEventLog.Insert(0, "<strong>Cancelled</strong> ");

See Also

In this article