The RangeSlider uses this property to determine how many decimals to take and set to the value when calculating the differences between the min and max, and the steps. You can see an example of wrong setup and the issue it can cause below. Here is a simple example of the mathematical operation and how you can see unexpected floating numbers that could, at least to an extent, be avoided if you use high-precision number types such as decimal:
Math equation: 0.6 / 0.2
Output: 2.9999999999999996
Math equation: 0.6 / 0.3
Output: 2
Decimals and Rounding Errors
The first slider in this example has a sufficient precision (Decimals
) to properly handle the values that it will have to render in its labels and set in its Value
. The second slider does not have sufficient precision - the Decimals
value is too low and thus the rounding in the labels texts and of the StartValue
and EndValue
will be off a little.
To see the difference in how rounding can have issues with insufficient precision, try changing the values from each slider - you will see that the second slider does not respond "correctly" and as expected.
@TheStartValue to @TheEndValue
<br /><br />
@* Sufficient precision for the selected values and steps *@
<TelerikRangeSlider @bind-StartValue="@TheStartValue" @bind-EndValue="@TheEndValue" Decimals="3"
SmallStep="0.005m" LargeStep="0.02m" Min="0m" Max="0.1m" Width="500px">
<br /><br />
@* Insufficient precision for the current values and steps
the labels texts will be off and the value will not change every time you move the handle
only when it reaches the threshold of the decimals which default to 2 for invariant and most cultures*@
<TelerikRangeSlider @bind-StartValue="@TheStartValue" @bind-EndValue="@TheEndValue" Decimals="2"
SmallStep="0.005m" LargeStep="0.02m" Min="0m" Max="0.1m" Width="500px">
decimal TheStartValue { get; set; } = 0.015m;
decimal TheEndValue { get; set; } = 0.02m;