Blazor Popup Overview

The Blazor Popup component helps you easily display a popup for a target element (anchor) in your application. You can use the Telerik UI for Blazor Popup to display additional information. This article explains how to start using the component and describes its features.

Telerik UI for Blazor Ninja image

The Popup component is part of Telerik UI for Blazor, a professional grade UI library with 110+ native components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.

Creating Blazor Popup

  1. Add the <TelerikPopup> tag to a Razor file.
  2. Obtain the component reference through @ref.
  3. Use the Show method to display the <TelerikPopup>.

Basic configuration of the Telerik Popup for Blazor

<TelerikPopup AnchorSelector=".popup-target" @ref="@PopupRef">
    I am a Telerik Popup.

<TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => PopupRef.Show())" Class="popup-target">Show the Popup</TelerikButton>

@code {
    private TelerikPopup PopupRef { get; set; }

Use the available positioning and collision settings to customize how the Popup positions and reacts to insufficient space in the viewport. Read more about the Blazor Popup Positioning and Collision...

Use the available parameters to customize the animation type and its duration. Read more about the Blazor Popup animations....

The Blazor Popup provides parameters to configure the component. Also check the Popup API Reference for a full list of properties, methods and events.

Parameter Type Description
AnchorHorizontalAlign PopupAnchorHorizontalAlign enum
Defines how the anchor aligns with the Popup component on the horizontal plane. Read more about Popup Positioning.
AnchorSelector string The CSS selector for the anchor element of the Popup.
AnchorVerticalAlign PopupAnchorVerticalAlign enum
Defines how the anchor aligns with the Popup on the vertical plane. Read more about Popup Positioning..
AnimationDuration int The duration of the animation in milliseconds. Read more about Popup animations.
AnimationType AnimationType enum
The type of animation when the component displays and hides. Read more about Popup animations.
HorizontalAlign PopupHorizontalAlign enum
Determines if the left or the right side of the Popup will touch its anchor. Read more about Popup Positioning.
HorizontalCollision PopupCollision enum
Sets the behavior of the Popup when it doesn't fit in the viewport based on the horizontal plane. Read more about Popup collision behavior.
HorizontalOffset double The horizontal space between the Popup and its anchor in pixels.
VerticalAlign PopupVerticalAlign enum
Determines if the Popup will touch the anchor with its top, bottom, or center. Read more about Popup Positioning.
VerticalCollision PopupCollision enum
Defines the behavior of the Popup when it doesn't fit in the viewport based on the vertical plane. Read more about Popup collision behavior.
VerticalOffset double The vertical space between the Popup and its anchor in pixels.

Styling and Appearance

The following parameters enable you to customize the appearance of the Blazor Popup:

Parameter Type Description
Class string The custom CSS class to be rendered on the <div> element, which wraps the component ChildContent. Use for styling customizations.
Height string The height of the Popup.
Width string The width of the Popup.

To execute Popup methods, obtain a reference to the component instance with @ref.

Method Description
Refresh Use this method to programmatically re-render the Popup.
The Popup is rendered as a child of the TelerikRootComponent, instead of where it is declared. As a result, it doesn't automatically refresh when its content is updated. In such cases, the Refresh method comes in handy to ensure that the Popup content is up-to-date.
Show Use this method to display the Popup.
Hide Use this method to close the Popup.
<TelerikButton OnClick="@ShowPopup" Class="popup-target">Show the Popup</TelerikButton>

<TelerikPopup AnchorSelector=".popup-target" @ref="@PopupRef">
    I am a Telerik Popup! 

@code {
    private TelerikPopup PopupRef { get; set; }

    private void ShowPopup()

Next Steps

See Also

In this article