Blazor Pager Overview
The Blazor Pager component will enable you to add paging for your data in a Blazor application. We use it in components like the Grid and ListView, and you can also use it for your own templates and data as a standalone component.
The Pager provides the UI for the user to change the page. To the developer, it provides the page index so you can render only the relevant data portion and an event that you can use to implement load on demand.
Creating Blazor Pager
Add the
tag to a Razor file. -
Set the
property to the number of items in the data source. -
Set the
parameter to determine the desired subset of data. It supports two-way binding. -
Set the
(one-way or two-way binding) parameter to anint
object. The page indexes are 1-based.
Use the TelerikPager to paginate your own data and content.
<TelerikPager Total="@Games.Count" PageSize="@PageSize" @bind-Page="@Page"></TelerikPager>
// take and render the relevant data portion based on the pager info
var pageData = Games.Skip((Page - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize).ToList();
@foreach (Game game in pageData)
<div style="display: inline-block;border: solid;padding: 10px;margin: 10px">
@code {
public int PageSize { get; set; } = 3;
public int Page { get; set; } = 1;
public List<Game> Games { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
Games = new List<Game>();
for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++)
Games.Add(new Game()
GameId = i,
GameName = $"Game {i}"
public class Game
public int GameId { get; set; }
public string GameName { get; set; }
The Blazor Pager exposes PageChanged and PageSizeChanged events that you can handle and further customize its behavior. Read more about the Blazor Pager events.
Pager Parameters
The Blazor Pager provides various parameters that allow you to configure the component:
Parameter | Type and Default Value | Description |
Adaptive | bool ( true ) | Defines whether pager elements should be changed based on the screen size. When enabled, the Pager will hide its Pager Info and PageSize Dropdownlist if they cannot fit in the available space. In the smallest resolution, the page buttons will be rendered as a select element. |
ButtonCount | int | The maximum number of page buttons that will be visible. To take effect, ButtonCount must be smaller than the page count (ButtonCount < Total / PageSize ). |
Class | string | Renders a custom CSS class to the <div class="k-pager-wrap"> element. |
Page | int | Represents the current page of the pager. The first page has an index of 1 . Supports two-way binding. If no value is provided, the parameter will default to the first page (1), but you should always use this parameter value in order to successfully use the component. If you don't use two-way binding and you don't update the value of the parameter after the user action, the pager UI will not reflect the change and will revert to the previous value (page index). |
PageSize | int | The number of items to display on a page. Supports two-way binding. |
PageSizes | List<int?> | Allows users to change the page size via a DropDownList. The attribute configures the DropDownList options. A null item in the PageSizes List will render an "All" option. By default, the Pager DropDownList is not displayed. You can also set PageSizes to null programmatically to remove the DropDownList at any time. |
InputType | PagerInputType enum ( Buttons ) | Determines if the pager will show numeric buttons to go to a specific page, or a textbox to type the page index. The arrow buttons are always visible. The PagerInputType enum accepts values Buttons (default) or Input . When Input is used, the page index will change when the textbox is blurred, or when the user hits Enter. This is to avoid unintentional data requests. |
ShowInfo | bool ( true ) | Defines whether the information about the current page and the total number of records is present. |
Total | int | Represents the total count of items in the pager. |
Styling and Appearance
The following parameters enable you to customize the appearance of the Blazor Pager:
Parameter | Type | Description |
Size | Telerik.Blazor.ThemeConstants.Pager.Size | Adjust the size of the Pager |
You can find more information for customizing the Pager appearance in the Appearance article.
Load On Demand
Loading all the data at once can be a costly operation. In such a case, use the PageChanged
event of the Pager component to fetch the new subset of data to render. It is important to always provide the correct Total
count of items in the full data source to the component so it can render the correct amount of page buttons.
Load paged data on demand
<div class="card-deck mb-2">
@foreach (Game game in PagedDataToRender)
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h6 class="card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted">@game.GameId</h6>
<p class="card-text">
Released on: @game.ReleaseDate.ToShortDateString()
<TelerikPager Total="@TotalGames"
@code {
int TotalGames { get; set; }
int CurrPage { get; set; } = 1; // page index is 1-based
int PageSize { get; set; } = 5;
public List<int?> GamesPerPage = new List<int?> { 5, 10, 20, null };
List<Game> PagedDataToRender { get; set; }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
await LoadDataOnDemand();
async Task PageChangedHandler(int page)
CurrPage = page;
await LoadDataOnDemand();
async Task LoadDataOnDemand()
TotalGames = await GetCountFromService();
PagedDataToRender = await GetPagedDataFromService(CurrPage - 1, PageSize);
// simulate a service below
private List<Game> _allData { get; set; } = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(x => new Game
GameName = $"Game {x}",
GameId = x,
ReleaseDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x)
public async Task<int> GetCountFromService()
return await Task.FromResult(_allData.Count);
public async Task<List<Game>> GetPagedDataFromService(int pageIndex, int pageSize)
var pagedData = _allData.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
return await Task.FromResult(pagedData.ToList());
// In real-case scenario this model should be in a separate file
public class Game
public int GameId { get; set; }
public string GameName { get; set; }
public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }
Two-way Binding
The Page
parameter supports two-way binding so it can respond to changes from other element, and to also update other elements. This is the most straightforward use of the component. As an alternative, use the PageChanged
event to implement additional logic when paging the data, such as loading it on demand.
@*This example showcases how the Pager reacts when the page is selected from an outside input.*@
<div class="mb-3">
<label class="text-info">
Select a page:
<TelerikNumericTextBox @bind-Value="@Page" />
<TelerikPager Total="30" PageSize="@PageSize" @bind-Page="@Page" />
@code {
public int PageSize { get; set; } = 3;
public int Page { get; set; } = 1;