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FlatColorPicker Events

This article describes the available events of the Telerik FlatColorPicker for Blazor.


The OnChange event fires when the user commits their selection with:

  • Apply or Cancel button click
  • Enter keypress

Note that the OnChange event may also fire when the actual selected color has not changed.

The event type is EventCallback<object>. The OnChange event does not prevent two-way binding for the Value attribute.

@* Handle the FlatColorPicker OnChange event *@


<TelerikFlatColorPicker @bind-Value="@Color" OnChange="@FlatColorPickerOnChange" />

@code {
    string Color { get; set; }
    string EventLog { get; set; }

    async Task FlatColorPickerOnChange(object newColor)
        EventLog = string.Format("The selected color is: {0}", (string)newColor);


The ValueChanged event fires when the user selects a new color and the component value changes.

The event type is EventCallback<string>. Using ValueChanged requires one-way binding for the Value attribute and manual value update in the event handler.

@* Handle the FlatColorPicker ValueChanged event *@

<TelerikFlatColorPicker Value="@Color" ValueChanged="@FlatColorPickerValueChanged" />

@code {
    string Color { get; set; }

    async Task FlatColorPickerValueChanged(string newColor)
        Color = newColor;


The ViewChanged event fires when the user toggles between the component views.

The event type is EventCallback<ColorPickerView>. Using ViewChanged requires one-way binding for the View attribute and manual value update in the event handler.

@* Handle the FlatColorPicker ViewChanged event *@

<TelerikFlatColorPicker @bind-Value="@Color" View="@View" ViewChanged="@FlatColorPickerViewChanged" />

@code {
    string Color { get; set; }
    ColorPickerView View { get; set; }

    async Task FlatColorPickerViewChanged(ColorPickerView newView)
        View = newView;

See Also

In this article