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DropDownButton Icons

The <TelerikDropDownButton> and <DropDownButtonItem> provide an Icon parameter that allows you to add an icon to the main button and all secondary action items.

The Icon parameter type is object and it accepts:

Make sure to register font-icons.css if using Telerik font icons.

How to use icons in Telerik Blazor DropDownButton

<TelerikDropDownButton Icon="@SvgIcon.User">
    <DropDownButtonContent>SVG Icon</DropDownButtonContent>
        <DropDownButtonItem Icon="@FontIcon.Gear">Font Icon</DropDownButtonItem>
        <DropDownButtonItem Icon="@CustomIconClass">Custom Icon</DropDownButtonItem>
        <DropDownButtonItem> <TelerikLoader /> Custom Markup </DropDownButtonItem>

    .my-icon {
        /* define a background image or a custom font icon here */
        background: purple;
        /* dimensions and other base styles will usually come from another class */
        width: 1em;
        height: 1em;
        font-size: 16px;

<!-- Load this stylesheet only if using Telerik font icons -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

@code {
    private string CustomIconClass { get; set; } = "my-icon";

Best Practices for Custom Icons and Images

  • You can add custom icons and images through additional markup inside the <DropDownButtonContent>, where the text is.

  • Images used as icons should generally be small enough to fit in a line of text. The primary button is an inline element and is not designed for large images. If you want to use big icon buttons, consider one of the following options:

    • Define a Class for the button that provides height and width. The width and height can be set to auto or to a value in px. When using a static value, it must be sufficient to accommodate the icon.
    • Adding your own HTML inside the <DropDownButtonContent>, something like: <DropDownButtonContent><img style="width: 400px; height: 400px;" src="my-icon.svg" />some text</DropDownButtonContent>

See Also

In this article