New to Telerik UI for Blazor? Download free 30-day trial

Appearance Settings

You can control the appearance of the DateInput by setting the following attribute:


You can increase or decrease the size of the DateInput by setting the Size attribute to a member of the Telerik.Blazor.ThemeConstants.DateInput.Size class:

Class members Manual declarations
Small sm
Medium md
Large lg

The built-in sizes

    var fields = typeof(Telerik.Blazor.ThemeConstants.DateInput.Size)
        .GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static
        | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)
        .Where(field => field.IsLiteral && !field.IsInitOnly).ToList();

    foreach (var field in fields)
        string size = field.GetValue(null).ToString();

        <div style="float:left; margin: 20px;">
            <TelerikDateInput @bind-Value="@DateValue" Size="@size"></TelerikDateInput>

@code {
    private DateTime DateValue { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;


The Rounded attribute applies the border-radius CSS rule to the DateInput to achieve curving of the edges. You can set it to a member of the Telerik.Blazor.ThemeConstants.DateInput.Rounded class:

Class members Manual declarations
Small sm
Medium md
Large lg
Full full

The built-in values of the Rounded attribute

@* The built-in values of the Rounded attribute.  *@

    var fields = typeof(Telerik.Blazor.ThemeConstants.DateInput.Rounded)
        .GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static
        | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)
        .Where(field => field.IsLiteral && !field.IsInitOnly).ToList();

    foreach (var field in fields)
        string rounded = field.GetValue(null).ToString();

        <div style="float:left; margin: 20px;">
            <TelerikDateInput @bind-Value="@DateValue" Rounded="@rounded"></TelerikDateInput>

@code {
    private DateTime DateValue { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;


The FillMode controls how the TelerikDateInput is filled. You can set it to a member of the Telerik.Blazor.ThemeConstants.DateInput.FillMode class:

Class members Result
default value
Flat flat
Outline outline

The built-in Fill modes

@* These are all built-in fill modes *@

    var fields = typeof(Telerik.Blazor.ThemeConstants.DateInput.FillMode)
        .GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static
        | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)
        .Where(field => field.IsLiteral && !field.IsInitOnly).ToList();

    foreach (var field in fields)
        string fillmode = field.GetValue(null).ToString();

        <div style="float:left; margin: 20px;">
            <TelerikDateInput @bind-Value="@DateValue" FillMode="@fillmode"></TelerikDateInput>

@code {
    private DateTime DateValue { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;


To take full control over the appearance of the Telerik UI for Blazor components, you can create your own styles by using ThemeBuilder.

ThemeBuilder is a web application that enables you to create new themes and customize existing ones. Every change that you make is visualized almost instantly. Once you are done styling the UI components, you can export a ZIP file with the styles for your theme and use them in your Blazor app.

See Also

In this article