Predefined Colors
The Telerik Blazor Color Palette component comes with a set of predefined color sets that you can show your users. To use them, set its Colors
parameter to one of the members of the Telerik.Blazor.Components.ColorPalettePresets
static class.
<TelerikColorPalette Colors="@ColorPalettePresets.Basic" @bind-Value="@SelectedColor" />
string SelectedColor { get; set; }
<div style="display:flex;flex-direction: row; flex-flow:wrap;">
@foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo item in typeof(ColorPalettePresets).GetFields())
List<string> currPreset = (List<string>)item.GetValue(null);
string presetName = item.Name;
<div style="padding: 20px;">
<TelerikColorPalette Colors="@currPreset" TileHeight="16px" TileWidth="16px" />