Every Blazor Card can have a dedicated area to render a card image that will fill the size of the card. The content of the CardImage as well as its size is completely customizable through the available configuration options.
@* Insert an image in the Card *@
<TelerikCard Width="200px">
<CardTitle>Bulgarian Mountains</CardTitle>
<CardSubTitle>Bulgaria, Europe</CardSubTitle>
<CardImage Src=""></CardImage>
<CardActions Layout="CardActionsLayout.Stretch">
<TelerikButton Class="k-flat" Icon="@SvgIcon.HeartOutline" Title="Like"></TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton Class="k-flat" Icon="@SvgIcon.Comment" Title="Comment"></TelerikButton>
<TelerikButton Class="k-flat" Icon="@SvgIcon.Share" Title="Share"></TelerikButton>
The CardImage provides the following features:
- the CSS class that will be rendered on the main wrapping container of the image.Src
- defines the source of the image.Width
- defines width of the image.Height
- defines the height of the image.