QRCode Types
The component exposes the following QRCode types:
Swiss QRCode Type
The QRCode component supports the Swiss QR Code format. Enabling the Swiss
type of the overlay will add a Swiss cross in the QR Code.
The following implementation demonstrates the code needed for the Swiss Type:
@* This code snippet showcases an example of Swiss type QR code. *@
<TelerikQRCode Size="200px"
<QRCodeOverlay Type="@QRCodeOverlayType.Swiss" />
@code {
string value = "SPC 0200 1 CH4431999123000889012 S " +
"Robert Schneider AG Rue du Lac 1268 2501 Biel CH 1949.75 CHF " +
"S Pia-Maria Rutschmann-Schnyder Grosse Marktgasse 28 9400 Rorschach CH " +
"QRR 210000000003139471430009017 Order of 15 June 2020 EPD " +
"//S1/10/10201409/11/200701/20/140.000-53/30/102673831/31/200615/32/7.7/33/7.7:139.40/40/0:30" +
" Name AV1: UV;UltraPay005;12345 Name AV2: XY;XYService;54321";
Image QRCode Type
The image type of the overlay is adding an image in the QR Code.
The following implementation demonstrates the code needed for the Image Type:
@* This code snippet showcases an example of image type QR code. *@
<TelerikQRCode Size="200px"
<QRCodeOverlay Type="@QRCodeOverlayType.Image" ImageUrl="https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/content/shared/images/site/kendoka-cta.svg" />