Blazor AutoComplete Overview
The Blazor AutoComplete component is a textbox that offers the users hints as they type. These suggestions can be filtered as the user types. The user can write their own value or click a suggestion from the dropdown to select it and populate the input. You can control the list of suggestions through data binding, various appearance settings like dimensions and templates.
Creating AutoComplete
- Use the
tag to add the component to your razor page. - Populate the
property with the collection of items that you want to appear in the dropdown. - Bind the value of the component to the same type as the member of the
parameter. - (Optional) Enable features like placeholder text and clear button.
AutoComplete with two-way value binding and data binding to collection of strings
@* AutoComplete with two-way value binding and data binding to a collection of strings *@
User input: @AutoCompleteValue
<br />
<TelerikAutoComplete Data="@Suggestions"
Placeholder="Enter your role (can be free text)"
ShowClearButton="true" />
//Current value is null (no item is selected) which allows the Placeholder to be displayed.
private string AutoCompleteValue { get; set; }
private List<string> Suggestions { get; set; } = new List<string> {
"Manager", "Developer", "QA", "Technical Writer", "Support Engineer", "Sales Agent", "Architect", "Designer"
If you want to get a value identifier for the items in the dropdown instead of their text, consider the ComboBox component. The AutoComplete is a free text input that accepts any text the user writes, not just the suggestions from the dropdown. Thus, the
of the AutoComplete is always astring
, while the ComboBox can provide you with anumber
or aGuid
, not only astring
Data Binding
The Blazor AutoComplete requires a data source so that it can populate the dropdown with data. To provide a data source, use the Data
property. Read more about the Blazor AutoComplete data binding...
The Blazor AutoComplete has a built-in filter that narrows down the shown suggestions as the end-user types. To configure this feature, use the Filterable
parameter. Additionally, you can choose between different filter operators and configure after how many symbols the list with suggestions will appear. Read more about the Blazor AutoComplete filter...
The Blazor AutoComplete enables you to group the listed suggestions into categories so you can help the end-user to browse faster through longer lists. Read more about the Blazor AutoComplete grouping...
The component allows you to add custom elements as prefixes and suffixes. Read more about how to render custom adornments before and after the input element...
You can use the functionality of the built-in templates and customize the default rendering of the component. Read more about the Blazor AutoComplete templates...
You can ensure that the component value is acceptable by using the built-in validation. Read more about input validation....
By virtualizing the elements in the dropdown, you can use huge data sources without performance issues. The UI virtualization works with both local and remote data. Read more about the Blazor AutoComplete virtualization...
Adaptive Rendering
The component supports different popup rendering depending on the screen size. Read more about the Adaptive Rendering functionality and how to enable it...
AutoComplete Parameters
The Blazor AutoComplete provides various parameters that allow you to configure the component:
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdaptiveMode | AdaptiveMode ( None ) | The adaptive mode of the component. |
Data | IEnumerable<TItem> | allows you to provide the data source. Required. |
DebounceDelay | int 150 | Time in milliseconds between the last typed symbol and the internal oninput event firing. Applies when the user types and filters. Use it to balance between client-side performance and number of database queries. |
Enabled | bool | Whether the component is enabled. |
Filterable | bool | Whether filtering is enabled for the end user (suggestions will get narrowed down as they type). |
FilterOperator | StringFilterOperator ( StartsWith ) | The string operation that will be used for filtering. |
Id | string | Renders as the id attribute on the <input /> element, so you can attach a <label for=""> to the input. |
InputMode | string | The inputmode attribute of the <input /> element. |
LoaderShowDelay | int 300 | Time in milliseconds between opening the popup and showing the loading skeleton in it when the data is not yet available. |
TItem | Type | The type of the model to which the component is bound. Required if you can't provide Data or Value . Determines the type of the reference object. |
Title | string | The title text rendered in the header of the popup(action sheet). Applicable only when AdaptiveMode is set to Auto . |
Value and bind-Value | string | Get/set the value of the component, can be used for binding. Use the @bind-Value syntax for two-way binding, for example, to a variable of your own. The Value must be a string . |
ValueField | string ( Value ) | The name of the field from the model that will be shown as hints to the user. Not required when binding to a simple list of strings. |
TabIndex | int? | Maps to the tabindex attribute of the HTML element. You can use it to customize the order in which the inputs in your form focus with the Tab key. |
ShowClearButton | bool | Whether the user will have the option to clear the selected value with a button on the input. When it is clicked, the Value will be updated to string.Empty . |
Enabled | bool | Use this Boolean property to render a disabled Blazor AutoComplete component until certain requirements are met. |
ReadOnly | bool | If set to true , the component will be readonly and will not allow user input. The component is not readonly by default and allows user input. |
MinLength | int | How many characters the text has to be before the suggestions list appears. Cannot be 0 . Often works together with filtering. |
Placeholder | string | The text the user sees as a hint when there is no text in the input. In order for it to be shown, the Value parameter should be set to the default value for string (null ). |
Styling and Appearance
The following parameters enable you to customize the appearance of the Blazor AutoComplete:
Parameter | Type | Description |
Class | string | The CSS class that will be rendered on the main wrapping element of the component. Use it to override the theme or apply custom styles. |
Width | string | The width of the component. It will target both the dropdown and the main element if the dropdown has no specific width set. The default Width value is null, but the theme applies 100% . Use the Width property or custom CSS to set another value in any supported unit. |
You can find more options for customizing the AutoComplete styling in the Appearance article.
Popup settings
The AutoComplete exposes settings for its dropdown (popup). To configure the options, declare an <AutoCompletePopupSettings>
tag inside the <AutoCompleteSettings>
<TelerikAutoComplete Data="@AutoCompleteData"
Placeholder="Filter by digit or letter"
<AutoCompletePopupSettings Height="auto" MaxHeight="200px" MinHeight="75px" />
@code {
private List<string> AutoCompleteData { get; set; } = Enumerable.Range(1, 50)
.Select(x => { return $"Item {x} {(char)Random.Shared.Next(65, 91)}{(char)Random.Shared.Next(65, 91)}"; })
private string SelectedItem { get; set; }
The AutoComplete provides the following popup settings:
Parameter | Type | Description |
AnimationDuration | int ( 300 ) | The dropdown animation duration in milliseconds. |
Class | string | Additional CSS class to customize the appearance of the popup. |
Height | string ( "200px" ) | The height of the popup. If set to "auto" , the component will automatically adjust the popup height based on the number of items and available space. Setting MaxHeight disables the built-in screen boundary detection. This means that the component will no longer adjust the dropdown height to fit within the viewport. |
MinHeight | string | The minimum height of the popup. |
MinWidth | string | The minimum width of the popup. |
MaxHeight | string | The maximum height of the popup. |
MaxWidth | string | The maximum width of the popup. |
Width | string | The width of the popup. If you don't specify a value, the dropdown width will match the anchor element width which can help with responsive layouts and 100% widths. |
The parameters that modify the popup dimensions (Height
, Width
, MaxWidth
, etc.) expect valid CSS values.
The MinHeight
and MaxHeight
have no effect if the Height
is always within their range. The min and max values are useful only when the dropdown height is set to a relative unit or changes at runtime.
If the Virtualization feature is enabled, it's important to note that the auto popup width functionality doesn't work as expected. In this scenario, the dropdown popup width does not dynamically adjust based on the data items. When dealing with virtualization and long items, specifying a fixed popup
becomes imperative. For example, set a fixed width like"300px"
. To determine this fixed width value, you can identify the longest item in the dropdown collection and calculate the required pixel width based on it.
If you are looking for more fields from the view-model that describes the dropdown items, not just the
, see the Get model from dropdown KB article and the OnChange event.You may also want to review/join the discussion and Vote for this request: Binding DropDownList Value to complex model
AutoComplete Reference and Methods
The AutoComplete is a generic component and its type is determined by the type of the model you use as its data source. You can find examples in the Data Bind - Considerations article.
Add a reference to the component instance to use the AutoComplete's methods.
Method | Description |
Close | Closes the popup. |
FocusAsync | Focuses the main element of the component. Always await this call, as it relies on JSInterop . Also check the dedicated KB article about programmatic input component focusing, which provides more examples and tips. |
Open | Opens the popup. |
Refresh | Re-renders the component popup. |
<TelerikAutoComplete @ref="@AutoCompleteRef"
<TelerikButton OnClick="@OpenPopup">Open Popup</TelerikButton>
@code {
private TelerikAutoComplete<string> AutoCompleteRef { get; set; }
private string AutoCompleteValue { get; set; }
private List<string> Suggestions { get; set; } = new List<string> { "first", "second", "third" };
private void OpenPopup()