Blazor SVG and Font Icons

Telerik UI for Blazor provides a large set of built-in icons. There are two ways to consume and render them: as font icons or as SVG icons. It is also possible to use custom Blazor icons, or define an application-wide setting, which affects the type of icons in all Telerik Blazor components.

The Telerik Blazor components generate the same type of icons (font icons or SVG icons), depending on the TelerikRootComponent configuration. However, Telerik UI for Blazor includes standalone FontIcon and SvgIcon components, which can be used at the same time.

In general, font icons produce a smaller HTML footprint and the glyph can be overridden with CSS. SVG icons provide better accessibility and can use multiple colors in a single icon.

This article contains the following sections:

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How Blazor Icons Work

The Telerik Blazor icons have three prerequisites to work:

Icon NuGet Packages

The Telerik Blazor components use built-in icons with the help of two NuGet packages. They are installed automatically as dependencies of the Telerik.UI.for.Blazor package:

  • Telerik.FontIcons - defines the FontIcon enum for easier usage of built-in font Blazor icons
  • Telerik.SvgIcons - defines the ISvgIcon interface and the SvgIcon static class for built-in SVG icons

Unlike the Telerik.UI.for.Blazor package, the icon packages are available on the source. Keep this in mind when using packageSourceMapping.

Icon Namespaces

To use the icons, import one or both namespaces, for example in _Imports.razor:

Register Telerik Blazor icon namespaces

@using Telerik.FontIcons
@using Telerik.SvgIcons

Some components provide icon-related parameters, which can rely on the above packages and namespaces too. For example:

Icon parameter in Telerik Blazor components

<TelerikButton Icon="@FontIcon.Save">Button with font icon</TelerikButton>

<GridCommandButton Icon="@SvgIcon.Save">Command Button with SVG icon</GridCommandButton>

Font Icon Stylesheet

In version 4.6.0 of Telerik UI for Blazor, the font icon styles were separated in their own stylesheet. Register it in a similar way as the component theme:

Using the font icon CSS file

<!-- If using static assets from the NuGet package -->
<link href="_content/Telerik.UI.for.Blazor/css/kendo-font-icons/font-icons.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- If using static assets from a Trial NuGet package -->
<link href="_content/Telerik.UI.for.Blazor.Trial/css/kendo-font-icons/font-icons.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<!-- If using the Telerik Blazor CDN - set the correct version number in the URL -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

FontIcon Component

The TelerikFontIcon component can show a built-in Telerik Blazor font icon or a custom font icon. Here are the available configuration parameters:

ParameterType and Default ValueDescription
FlipIconFlip enum
The icon's flip direction, which allows to mirror (turn over) the image horizontally, vertically, or in both directions.
IconFontIcon enumAny of the built-in Telerik Blazor font icons. This parameter takes precedence over IconClass, if both are set.
IconClassstringCustom CSS class for a custom third-party icon. Do not use together with the Icon parameter.
Any of the predefined icon sizes (from "xs" to "xxxl"). It is possible to set the parameter value to raw strings such as "lg", "md", or "sm". However, the recommended practice is to use the properties of the static ThemeConstants.FontIcon.Size class.
ThemeColorstringAny of the predefined icon colors. Use the static ThemeConstants.FontIcon.ThemeColor class properties. By default, the icon color will inherit the current CSS text color.

Using TelerikFontIcon

    Font icon with default settings:
    <TelerikFontIcon Icon="@FontIcon.Calculator" />

    Large flipped font icon:
    <TelerikFontIcon Icon="@FontIcon.FileAudio"
                     Flip="@IconFlip.Vertical" />

<p style="color: blue;">
    Font icon that inherits its color:
    <TelerikFontIcon Icon="@FontIcon.Save" />

    Font icon with ThemeColor:
    <TelerikFontIcon Icon="@FontIcon.FileAudio"
                     ThemeColor="@ThemeConstants.FontIcon.ThemeColor.Primary" />

    Custom (<a href="">Font Awesome</a>) font icon:
    <TelerikFontIcon IconClass="fa-regular fa-star" />
    <TelerikButton Icon="@("fa-regular fa-star")">Button with Custom Font Icon</TelerikButton>

    <!-- Font Awesome stylesheet -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

<!-- Load this stylesheet only if using Telerik font icons -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Set Custom Font Icon Size

In addition to the Size parameter, you can change the size of the rendered icon with custom CSS and the font-size style.

Our font icons are designed on a 16px grid base. For better display quality, use a font size, which is divisible by 16 (32px, 48px and so on).

Increase icon size with CSS

    .large-icons .k-icon {
        font-size: 32px;

<div class="large-icons">
    <TelerikFontIcon Icon="@FontIcon.Filter"></TelerikFontIcon>

<TelerikFontIcon Icon="@FontIcon.Filter"></TelerikFontIcon>

<!-- Load this stylesheet only if using Telerik font icons -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Render Font Icons with HTML

Telerik UI for Blazor shares the same themes with several other Telerik and Kendo UI web component suites. All these products use the same font icons.

You can use the built-in font icons directly with HTML tags, without the <TelerikFontIcon> component. Such direct HTML usage may provide more flexibility, but if you don't really need it, we recommend using FontIcon objects and the <TelerikFontIcon> component instead.

To use the icons directly, refer to List of all Telerik Icons and obtain the desired CSS class. The <TelerikFontIcon> component simply drops the k-i- CSS class prefix to make it easier for you.

Use Telerik font icons with plain HTML

<span class="k-icon k-font-icon k-i-check k-flip-h k-flip-v"></span>

is the same as

<TelerikFontIcon Icon="@FontIcon.Check" Flip="@IconFlip.Both" />

<!-- Register this stylesheet next to the component theme. -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

SvgIcon Component

The TelerikSvgIcon component can show a built-in Telerik Blazor SVG icon or a custom SVG icon. Here are the available configuration parameters:

ParameterType and Default ValueDescription
FlipIconFlip enum
The icon's flip direction, which allows to mirror (turn over) the image horizontally, vertically, or in both directions.
IconISvgIconAssign a property of the SvgIcon static class to use any of the built-in Telerik Blazor font icons. Alternatively, implement your own custom SVG Icon class.
Any of the predefined icon sizes (from "xs" to "xxxl"). It is possible to set the parameter value to raw strings such as "lg", "md", or "sm". However, the recommended practice is to use the properties of the static ThemeConstants.SvgIcon.Size class.
ChildContentRenderFragmentThe HTML markup of a custom SVG icon. Do not use together with Icon.
ThemeColorstringAny of the predefined icon colors. Use the static ThemeConstants.SvgIcon.ThemeColor class properties.

Using TelerikSvgIcon

<TelerikSvgIcon Icon="@SvgIcon.Calendar" />

<TelerikSvgIcon Icon="@SvgIcon.FileAudio"
                ThemeColor="@ThemeConstants.SvgIcon.ThemeColor.Primary" />

Render Custom SVG Icons with HTML

The TelerikSvgIcon component can accommodate a complete <svg> tag as its ChildContent. In this way, you have full control over the SVG icon rendering, while using the other component parameters, such as Flip or Size.

Do not set the Icon parameter in this case.

Using custom SVG Icon

<TelerikSvgIcon Flip="@IconFlip.Horizontal">
    <svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" fill="none" xmlns="">
        <path d="M8.85028 16.5C11.3178 16.5 13.5715 15.3773 15.0646 13.5378C15.2854 13.2656 15.0446 12.8681 14.7032 12.9331C10.8219 13.6723 7.25756 10.6963 7.25756 6.77825C7.25756 4.52131 8.46575 2.44591 10.4294 1.32844C10.7321 1.15619 10.6559 0.697281 10.312 0.63375C9.82984 0.544842 9.34057 0.500073 8.85028 0.5C4.43437 0.5 0.850281 4.07847 0.850281 8.5C0.850281 12.9159 4.42875 16.5 8.85028 16.5Z" fill="black"></path>

Use Custom SVG Icon Collection

The Icon parameter of TelerikSvgIcon expects an ISvgIcon object. This is a public interface, together with the SvgIconBase class. You can use them to create a collection of custom SVG icons.

The ISvgIcon interface members are:

NamestringThe identifier of the SVG icon. The component renders it as a k-svg-i-name CSS class.
ContentstringAll <path> tags inside the <svg> tag.
ViewBoxstringThe viewBox attribute value of the <svg> tag.

You can use a custom SVG icon collection together with the built-in icon rendering feature of all components that have an Icon or IconField parameter, such as the Button, ContextMenu, Drawer, Menu, PanelBar, TreeView, etc.

Define custom SVG icon collection

    <TelerikSvgIcon Icon="@MySvgIcons.Moon" />

    <TelerikSvgIcon Icon="@MySvgIcons.Circles" />

<TelerikButton Icon="@MySvgIcons.Circles">Button with Custom SVG Icon</TelerikButton>

@code {
    public class Moon : SvgIconBase
        public Moon()
            Name = "moon";
            Content = "<path d=\"M8.85028 16.5C11.3178 16.5 13.5715 15.3773 15.0646 13.5378C15.2854 13.2656 15.0446 12.8681 14.7032 12.9331C10.8219 13.6723 7.25756 10.6963 7.25756 6.77825C7.25756 4.52131 8.46575 2.44591 10.4294 1.32844C10.7321 1.15619 10.6559 0.697281 10.312 0.63375C9.82984 0.544842 9.34057 0.500073 8.85028 0.5C4.43437 0.5 0.850281 4.07847 0.850281 8.5C0.850281 12.9159 4.42875 16.5 8.85028 16.5Z\" fill=\"rgb(31, 31, 31)\" />";
            ViewBox = "0 0 16 17";

    public class Circles : SvgIconBase
        public Circles()
            Name = "circles";
            Content = "<circle cx=\"5\" cy=\"5\" r=\"5\" fill=\"black\" /><circle cx=\"11\" cy=\"11\" r=\"5\" fill=\"red\" />";
            ViewBox = "0 0 16 17";

    public static class MySvgIcons
        public static ISvgIcon Moon => new Moon();

        public static ISvgIcon Circles => new Circles();

Set Global Blazor Icon Type

It is possible to configure the icon type for the whole application:

  1. Locate the <TelerikRootComponent> tag in the Blazor app. Normally, it's in a layout file such as MainLayout.razor or TelerikLayout.razor.
  2. Set the RootComponent IconType parameter to an IconType enum value (Svg or Font). The default icon type is Svg.

Define global icon type via TelerikRootComponent

<TelerikRootComponent IconType="@IconType.Font">

The global IconType setting only affects built-in icons that the Telerik components render automatically and the developer cannot change. For example,the sort and filter icons in the Grid header cells, or the open arrow in the DropDownList. The IconType parameter does not affect:

  • <TelerikFontIcon> and <TelerikSvgIcon> instances in the app.
  • Icons in Buttons, Menu items, and other navigation components. Such icons are provided by the app and depend on the Icon or IconField parameters.

Icons List

The Progress Design System website provides a list of all built-in icons in Telerik UI for Blazor.

To define an icon with C# syntax, replace the kebab-case with PascalCase. For example, plus-outline should become FontIcon.PlusOutline or SvgIcon.PlusOutline.

Each icon box in the icon list is clickable and reveals the following details:

  • CSS class aliases, if such exist. Use the CSS classes for manual HTML rendering of font icons. For example, k-i-plus is equivalent to k-i-add. The C# icon names have no aliases.
  • Unicode representation of the font icon glyph. For example, \e11e corresponds to the plus icon.
  • Ability to copy the glyph symbol of the font icon.
  • Ability to copy the HTML markup (<svg> tag) of the SVG icon.

The icon list may contain icons which are not available in older versions of Telerik UI for Blazor or even in the latest one. Such icons will be added in the next product version.

Custom Blazor Icon Support

Telerik UI for Blazor supports using custom (third-party) icons:

Using custom icons for the automatically rendered icons is not supported yet. For example, the sort and filter icons in the Grid header cells, or the open arrow in the DropDownList.

See Also