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Forms Integration

The Window provides various approaches to load a <form> element as its content.

Html.BeginForm inside Window

To insert a complete form inside a Window, end the Window declaration with .Render(); and wrap it in a non-rendering code block. This requirement does not apply if the form is defined through plain HTML tags (&lt;form&gt;...&lt;/form&gt;).

The following example demonstrates how to insert a complete form inside the Window.

            @using (Html.BeginForm("FormSubmit", "Home"))

Loading External Form

The Telerik UI Window for ASP.NET MVC enables you to use the LoadContentFrom() method to load content from a view into the popup content.

Though the Window allows the creation of popup forms, you need to consider the conceptual differences during their implementation. Typically, if you load a view into a Kendo UI for jQuery Window, it does not act as a separate browser window. This means that any returned data from the form submit action loads into the main page and eventually might lead to unexpected results.

To handle this behavior, render the content in an iframe.

        .Title("My Form")

            // Implement a script that will close the popup when model is valid.
            function closeFormPopup() {
    public ActionResult GetForm()
        // Return the view with the form.
        return View("Form");
    @* As this is loaded in an iframe, the view will have a layout to load an entire HTML page. *@
        Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

    @model TelerikMvcApp.Models.MyModel

    @using (Html.BeginForm("MyModel_Create", "MyModel", FormMethod.Post))


            .HtmlAttributes(new { type = "submit" })
public class MyModel
    [Url(ErrorMessage = "Please enter a valid url")]
    public string Url { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
public ActionResult MyModel_Create(MyModel model)
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        /* If the model is invalid, as expected, return the same
        view and send the invalid model to update validation. */
        return View("Form", model);

    // Return a script that runs the close method of the parent window.
    return Content("<script>window.parent.closeFormPopup()</script>");

See Also

In this article