The Notification provides the built-in "info"
, "success"
, "warning"
, and "error"
Notification types.
You can use different templates and looks for each type. The built-in Notification types provide ready-to-use shorthand methods for display as well as built-in templates and styling. The names of the shorthand methods match the listed Notification types.
If no type is specified when a Notification is displayed, the
type is displayed. You can define an unlimited amount of custom notification types and corresponding templates.
The following example demonstrates the built-in Notification types.
var notificationWidget = $("#notification").data("kendoNotification");
// Display a "foo" warning message.
notificationWidget.show("foo", "warning");
// The above line is equivalent to the following:
// Display a "bar" info message.
notificationWidget.show("bar", "info");
// The above line is equivalent to the following:
// and also to the following: