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Build the Team Efficiency Dashboard Project

Telerik UI Charts

In this chapter you'll learn how to add Telerik UI Chart widgets to your application. The Telerik ASP.NET MVC Chart, powered by Kendo UI, is a powerful data visualization component, which allows you to graphically represent your data. It is useful when you want to utilize modern browser technologies such as SVG or Canvas (with a fallback to VML for older IE versions) for interactive data visualizations.

The component offers a variety of chart types such as area, bar, line, scatter, polar, radar, pie and donut, stock (OHLC) and many more.

Chart API

The Chart HtmlHelper extension is a server-side wrapper for the Telerik UI Chart widget.

@(Html.Kendo().Chart(Model) // The chart will be bound to the Model which is the InternetUsers list
    .Name("internetUsersChart") // The name of the chart is mandatory. It specifies the "id" attribute of the widget.
    .Title("Internet Users")
    .Series(series => {
        series.Bar(model => model.Value) // Create a bar chart series bound to the "Value" property
                .Name("United States");
    .CategoryAxis(axis => axis
        .Categories(model => model.Year)

Bullet Series Chart


Begin by adding a Bullet chart, a variation of a bar chart. Bullet charts make great dashboard gauges or meters. The bullet graph compares a given quantitative measure against qualitative ranges and a symbol marker.

Exercise: Add a Bullet Series Chart

  1. Since changes to the controller are necessary, stop the application if it is running.
  2. Use partials to keep the markup tidy. Under Views/Home/, add a new empty partial view _QuarterToDateSales.cshtml.
  3. In the new partial _QuarterToDateSales.cshtml view, add a new Telerik UI Chart helper of type QuarterToDateSalesViewModel. The QuarterToDateSalesViewModel is part of the quick start boilerplate.

  4. Set the Name property to EmployeeAverageSales.

  5. Using the .HtmlAttributes property, set the controls height to 30px.

    .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height:30px;" })
  6. Next, add and define a Bullet chart with the following properties:

    • Set the current value to the Current property on the model.
    • Set the target value to the Target property on the model.
     .Series(series =>
         series.Bullet(model => model.Current, model => model.Target);
  7. Next, add and configure the CategoryAxis. Since the chart will be a spark line visualization, set the Visible and MajorGridLines properties to false.

     .CategoryAxis(ca => ca.Labels(lab => lab.Visible(false))
         .MajorGridLines(m => m.Visible(false)).Visible(false)
  8. Next, add and configure the ValueAxis with a Numeric configuration. Since the chart will be a spark line visualization, set the Labels, MajorGridLines, and MajorTicks Visible properties to false to disable them.

        .ValueAxis(va => va.Numeric()
            .Labels(lab => lab.Visible(false))
            .MajorGridLines(m => m.Visible(false))
            .MajorTicks(mT => mT.Visible(false))
  9. Also set the Legend to false.

    .Legend(leg => leg.Visible(false))
  10. Configure the DataSource by setting Read to the action EmployeeQuarterSales on the Home controller.

  11. Using the Data property, set the value to getEmployeeFilter sending filter data back to the Read action.
  12. Since the DataSource will be invoked manually, set AutoBind to false.


    The resulting code should be like the one shown in the example below.

        .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height:30px;" })
        .Series(series =>
            series.Bullet(model => model.Current, model => model.Target);
        .CategoryAxis(ca => ca.Labels(lab => lab.Visible(false))
            .MajorGridLines(m => m.Visible(false)).Visible(false)
        .ValueAxis(va => va.Numeric()
            .Labels(lab => lab.Visible(false))
            .MajorGridLines(m => m.Visible(false))
            .MajorTicks(mT => mT.Visible(false))
        .Legend(leg => leg.Visible(false))
        .DataSource(ds => ds
            .Read(read => read.Action("EmployeeQuarterSales", "Home")
  13. Open controllers/HomeController.cs and create a controller action named EmployeeQuarterSales on the Home controller. This action will supply the Chart with data.

  14. The boilerplate installed in the Getting Up and Running chapter has a function named EmployeeQuarterSales. This query will select the data required for the chart. Return the results of EmployeeQuarterSalesQuery as JSON.

    public ActionResult EmployeeQuarterSales(int employeeId, DateTime statsTo)
        DateTime startDate = statsTo.AddMonths(-3);
        var result = EmployeeQuarterSalesQuery(employeeId, statsTo, startDate);
        return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
  15. Add the partial view to the main application page.

  16. In Views/Home/Index.cshtm, find the <!-- QTD Sales Chart --> placeholder.

    <!-- QTD Sales Chart -->
    @Html.Placehold(430, 120, "Chart")
  17. Replace the placeholder with the _QuarterToDateSales partial.

    <!-- QTD Sales Chart -->
  1. Find the scripts section. Add a new function named refreshEmployeeQuarterSales, this function will invoke read on the chart's DataSource.


    The resulting code should be like the one shown in the example below.

    function refreshEmployeeQuarterSales() {
        var employeeQuarterSales = $("#EmployeeQuarterSales").data("kendoChart");;
  2. Find and modify the onCriteriaChange function so it calls refreshEmployeeQuarterSales updating the bullet chart's data source when the filter or the employee selection is changed.

    function onCriteriaChange() {
  3. Run the application to see the chart render on the dashboard. Change the filter criteria to see the chart update along with other UI elements.

    UI for ASP.NET MVC Bullet Chart

Line Chart


Next, add a Line chart, a Line chart shows data as continuous lines that pass through points defined by their items' values. It can be useful for showing a trend over time and comparing several sets of similar data. For this example, you'll use a Line chart to show trend data.

Exercise: Trigger the Grid DataSource from a DatePicker Event

  1. Since changes to the controller are necessary, stop the application if it is running.
  2. Use partials to keep the markup tidy. Under Views/Home, add a new empty partial view _MonthlySalesByEmployee.cshtml.
  3. In the new partial _MonthlySalesByEmployee.cshtml view, add a new Telerik UI Chart helper.

  4. Set the Name property to EmployeeAverageSales.

  5. Set the controls height to 30px.

    .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height:30px;" })
  6. Next, add and define a Series chart with the following properties:

    • Set Line to the EmployeeSales property on the model.
    • Set the Width to 1.5.
    • Disable markers by setting the Markers visible property to false.
    • Set the tooltip using a valid number format and enabling its visibility.
        .Series(series =>
            series.Line(model => model.EmployeeSales)
            .Markers(m => m.Visible(false))
            .Tooltip(t =>  t.Format("{0:c0}").Visible(true));
  7. Next, add and configure the CategoryAxis with a Date configuration. Set the Category to the Date field of the view model.

  8. Since the chart will be a formatted like a sparkline, set the Axis and MajorGridLines Visible properties to false to disable them.

     .CategoryAxis(ca => ca
         .Categories(model => model.Date)
         .MajorGridLines(m => m.Visible(false))
  9. Next, add and configure the ValueAxis with a Numeric configuration.

  10. Set the Axis, Visible, and MajorGridLines properties to false to disable them.

     .ValueAxis(va => va.Numeric()
         .Labels(lab => lab.Visible(false))
         .MajorGridLines(m => m.Visible(false))
  11. Also set the Legend to false.

    .Legend(leg => leg.Visible(false))
  12. Configure the DataSource by setting Read to the action EmployeeAverageSales on the Home controller.

  13. Using the Data property, set the value to getEmployeeFilter sending filter data back to the Read action.
  14. Add an Aggregates on the DataSource to Average the EmployeeSales.

    .DataSource(ds => ds
        .Read(read => read.Action("EmployeeAverageSales", "Home")
        .Aggregates(a => a.Add(model => model.EmployeeSales).Average())
  15. Since the DataSource will be invoked manually, set AutoBind to false.


    The resulting code should be like the one shown in the example below.

        .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height:30px;" })
        .Series(series =>
            series.Line(model => model.EmployeeSales)
            .Markers(m => m.Visible(false))
            .Tooltip(t =>  t.Format("{0:c0}").Visible(true));
        .CategoryAxis(ca => ca
            .Categories(model => model.Date)
            .MajorGridLines(m => m.Visible(false))
        .ValueAxis(va => va.Numeric()
            .Labels(lab => lab.Visible(false))
            .MajorGridLines(m => m.Visible(false))
        .Legend(leg => leg.Visible(false))
        .DataSource(ds => ds
            .Read(read => read.Action("EmployeeAverageSales", "Home")
            .Aggregates(a => a.Add(model => model.EmployeeSales).Average())
  16. Open controllers/HomeController.cs and create a controller action named EmployeeAverageSales on the Home controller. This action will supply the Chart with data.

  17. The boilerplate installed in the Getting Up and Running chapter has a function named EmployeeAverageSalesQuery. This query will select the data required for the chart. Return the results of EmployeeAverageSalesQuery as JSON.

    public ActionResult EmployeeAverageSales(
        int employeeId,
        DateTime statsFrom,
        DateTime statsTo)
        var result = EmployeeAverageSalesQuery(employeeId, statsFrom, statsTo);
        return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
  18. Add the partial view to the main application page. In Views/Home/Index.cshtm find the <!-- Montly Sales Chart --> placeholder.

    <!-- Montly Sales Chart -->
    @Html.Placehold(430, 120, "Chart")
  19. Replace the placeholder with the _MonthlySalesByEmployee partial.

    <!-- Montly Sales Chart -->
  20. Find the scripts section and add a new function named refreshEmployeeAverageSales. This function will invoke read on the chart's data source.


    The resulting code should be like the one shown in the example below.

    function refreshEmployeeAverageSales() {
        var employeeAverageSales = $("#EmployeeAverageSales").data("kendoChart");;
  21. Find and modify the onCriteriaChange function so it calls refreshEmployeeAverageSales updating the chart's data when a filter or employee selection is changed.

    function onCriteriaChange() {
  22. Run the application to see the chart render on the dashboard. Change the filter criteria to see the chart update along with other UI elements.

    UI for ASP.NET MVC A Sparkline chart

Client-Side API


Charts, like other Kendo UI widgets are easy to interact with on the client side. By handling the chart's events additional functionality can be added to the application. Use the DataBound event and the DataSource to populate values on labels within the Team Efficiency Dashboard.

Exercise: Display Chart Values Using Client APIs

  1. In Views/Home/Index.cshtm, find the scripts section.

  2. Add a function named onQuarterSalesDataBound, find the first element of the datasource and displays the Current value in EmployeeQuarterSalesLabel.

    function onQuarterSalesDataBound(e) {
        var data =;
        $("#EmployeeQuarterSalesLabel").text(kendo.toString(data.Current, "c2"));
  3. Add a function named onAverageSalesDataBound find the dataSource aggregates and display the average of EmployeeSales in the EmployeeAverageSalesLabel.

    function onAverageSalesDataBound(e) {
        var label = $("#EmployeeAverageSalesLabel"),
            data = this.dataSource.aggregates()
        if (data.EmployeeSales) {
            label.text(kendo.toString(data.EmployeeSales.average, "c2"));
        } else {
            label.text(kendo.toString(0, "c2"));
  4. Open the partial view _MonthlySalesByEmployee.cshtml and add a DataBound event handler to the chart, set the event handler to onQuarterSalesDataBound.

        .Events(e => e.DataBound("onAverageSalesDataBound"))
  5. Open the partial view _QuarterToDateSales.cshtml and add a DataBound event handler to the chart. Set the event handler to onQuarterSalesDataBound.

        .Events(e => e.DataBound("onQuarterSalesDataBound"))

    UI for ASP.NET MVC The client API of the Chart

The Team Efficiency Dashboard is starting to look complete, but it hasn't been tested for devices like mobile phones or tablets yet. In the next chapter you'll use responsive web design techniques to support devices beyond the desktop.

In this article