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LinearGauge Export

The Telerik UI LinearGauge for ASP.NET MVC export relies on the Telerik UI DrawingAPI library. It enables you to export the content to:

Export as PDF

The linear gauge allows you to retrieve the PDF representation of the content via the exportPDF method. The base64 result can be forwarded to a service or downloaded on the client-side.

    <button class='export-pdf k-button'>Export as PDF</button>

        .Scale(scale => scale
        .Pointer(pointer => pointer

        $(document).ready( function () {
            $(".export-pdf").click(function () {
                var gauge = $("#linearGauge").getKendoLinearGauge();
                gauge.exportPDF({ paperSize: "auto", margin: { left: "1cm", top: "1cm", right: "1cm", bottom: "1cm" } }).done(function (data) {
                        dataURI: data,
                        fileName: "chart.pdf",
                        proxyURL: ""

Export as Image

The linear gauge allows you to retrieve the Image representation of the content via the exportImage method. The base64 result can be forwarded to a service or downloaded on the client-side.

    <button class='export-img k-button'>Export as Image</button>

        .Scale(scale => scale
        .Pointer(pointer => pointer

        $(document).ready( function () {
            $(".export-img").click(function () {
                var gauge = $("#linearGauge").getKendoLinearGauge();
                gauge.exportImage().done(function (data) {
                        dataURI: data,
                        fileName: "chart.png",
                        proxyURL: ""

Export as SVG

The linear gauge allows you to retrieve the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) representation of the content via the exportSVG method. The base64 result can be forwarded to a service or downloaded on the client-side.

    <button class='export-svg k-button'>Export as SVG</button>

        .Scale(scale => scale
        .Pointer(pointer => pointer

        $(document).ready( function () {
            $(".export-svg").click(function () {
                var gauge = $("#linearGauge").getKendoLinearGauge();
                gauge.exportSVG().done(function (data) {
                        dataURI: data,
                        fileName: "chart.svg",
                        proxyURL: ""

See Also

In this article