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Remote Binding

The Telerik UI ListBox for ASP.NET MVC enables you to bind it to remote data by using a DataSource configuration object. The component will receive the data from the remote endpoint by making an AJAX request.

  1. Create an action that returns the data as a JSON result.

        public class ListBoxController : Controller
            public ActionResult GetCustomers()
                var customers = Enumerable.Empty<CustomerViewModel>();
                using (var northwind = GetContext())
                    customers = northwind.Customers.Select(customer => new CustomerViewModel
                        CustomerID = customer.CustomerID,
                        ContactName = customer.ContactName,
                return Json(customers, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        public class CustomerViewModel
            public string CustomerID { get; set; }
            public string ContactName { get; set; }
  2. Define the ListBox to the View and configure its DataSource to use remote data.

            .DataSource(source => source
                .Read(read => read.Action("GetCustomers", "ListBox")) // Specify the Read Action method.
            .Toolbar(toolbar =>
                toolbar.Tools(tools => tools
            .BindTo(new List<CustomerViewModel>())
            .BindTo(new List<CustomerViewModel>())

By default, the ListBox will bind to the data during its initialization. To disable this behavior, set the AutoBind option of the component to false.

The example below demonstrates how to load the data in the ListBox when a button is clicked.

        .Content("Load the ListBox data")
        .HtmlAttributes(new { type = "button" })
        .Events(ev => ev.Click("onClick"))
        .DataSource(source => source
            .Read(read => read.Action("GetCustomers", "ListBox")) // Specify the Read Action method.
        .BindTo(new List<CustomerViewModel>())

        function onClick() {
            //Call the read() method of the dataSource to trigger the Read request.

See Also

In this article