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By default, the selection functionality of the Telerik UI ListView for ASP.NET MVC is disabled.

As of the 2022 R3 release, the Change event will now be fired only when Selection/Deselection is performed.

Single Selection

The single selection functionality allows the user to select only one item at a time.

    @(Html.Kendo().ListView(Model) // The ListView will be initially bound to the Model which is the Products table.
        .Name("productListView") // The name of the ListView is mandatory. It specifies the "id" attribute of the ListView.
        .TagName("div") // The tag name of the ListView is mandatory. It specifies the element which wraps all ListView items.
        .ClientTemplateId("template") // This template will be used for rendering the ListView items.
        .Selectable(ListViewSelectionMode.Single) // Set the selection mode to single.
        .HtmlAttributes(new { style="height:350px;" })
        .DataSource(dataSource => {
                dataSource.Read(read => read.Action("Products_Read", "ListView"));
        }) // The DataSource configuration. It will be used for paging.
        .Pageable() // Enable paging.
    <script type="text/x-kendo-tmpl" id="template">
        <div class="product">
                <dd>#=kendo.toString(UnitPrice, "c")#</dd>

Multiple Selection

The multiple selection functionality allows the user to select one or more items at a time.

    @(Html.Kendo().ListView(Model) // The ListView will be initially bound to the Model which is the Products table.
        .Name("productListView") // The name of the ListView is mandatory. It specifies the "id" attribute of the ListView.
        .TagName("div") // The tag name of the ListView is mandatory. It specifies the element which wraps all ListView items.
        .ClientTemplateId("template") // This template will be used for rendering the ListView items.
        .Selectable(ListViewSelectionMode.Multiple) // Set selection mode to multiple
        .HtmlAttributes(new { style="height:350px;" })
        .DataSource(dataSource => {
                dataSource.Read(read => read.Action("Products_Read", "ListView"));
        }) // The DataSource configuration. It will be used for paging.
        .Pageable() // Enable paging.
    <script type="text/x-kendo-tmpl" id="template">
        <div class="product">
                <dd>#=kendo.toString(UnitPrice, "c")#</dd>

See Also

In this article