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The AIPrompt provides predefined and custom views that you set through the Views() configuration.

Prompt View

The Prompt view contains the input where the user enters the prompt, the list of available prompt suggestions, and the Generate button to submit the prompt.

To define a collection of prompt suggestions, use the PromptSuggestions() option.

The example below shows how to configure the built-in Prompt view and specify the prompt suggestions that must be displayed in the view.

        .Views(views =>
            .PromptSuggestions(new string[] { "Out of office template", "LinkedIn post for well-being" });

Output View

The Output view is the place where the output of the AI request is displayed. The view contains a list of cards, where each card has the following elements:

  • Header—Shows the prompt text.
  • Body—Contains the generated prompt output.
  • Actions—Displays quick actions like a copy-output button, a retry-output button, and an output rating (like and dislike reactions).

The following example demonstrates how to specify the Output view as active when the AIPrompt loads and how to hide the built-in output rating that is visible by default.

        .Views(views =>

Commands View

The Commands view is a predefined view where you can define commands that the user can execute, for example, Change the formality of the output, Select output language, and more.

The commands are rendered in the view as a list of items and sub-items. To define the desired commands, use the PromptCommands() option.

Clicking a specified command triggers the CommandExecute event. You can handle the event and execute the respective action by using client-side logic.

The example below shows how to configure the Commands view and specify a custom command that modifies the already generated output when clicked.

        .Events(ev => ev.CommandExecute("onCommandExecute")) // Handle the 'CommandExecute' event to execute the command logic when it is clicked.
        .Views(views =>
            .PromptSuggestions(new string[] { "Out of office (template)", "LinkedIn post for well-being" });
            .PromptCommands(commands =>
        var promptData = [
            suggestion: "Out of office (template)",
            output: "This is an example of out-of-office template content.",
            extend: "This is an extended version of out-of-office template content."

            suggestion: "LinkedIn post for well-being",
            output: "This is an example of post content.",
            extend: "This is an extended version of the post content."

        function onCommandExecute(ev) {
            if (this.promptOutputs.length > 0) { // Check if the Output view is not empty.
                let output = this.promptOutputs[0].prompt; // Get the first prompt in the Output view.
                const response = promptData.find((s) => s.suggestion === output); // Find the prompt item from the data collection.
                if (response) {
                    let result = { // Construct the modified output.
                        id: kendo.guid(),
                        output: response[ev.item.text.toLowerCase()], // Pass the extended version of the output.
                        prompt: output,
                        isRetry: ev.isRetry
                    this.addPromptOutput(result); // Add the modified output content when the 'Extend' command is clicked.

Custom View

You can create a custom view in the AIPrompt component and add custom elements and components.

Define the custom view through the Views() configuration and set the Type() option to ViewType.Custom. Then, use the following options to define the view content:

  • ButtonText and ButtonIcon—Set the text and icon of the Toolbar item rendered for the custom view.
  • ViewTemplate and FooterTemplate—Specify the templates for the view content and footer.
  • InitializeComponents—Allows you to pass a JavaScript function that executes when the view is rendered. You can initialize widgets in the view content.

The following example demonstrates how to create a custom view that contains a button.

        .Views(views =>
            .ButtonText("Custom View")
            .ViewTemplate("<div><p>Custom View</p></div>")
            .FooterTemplate("<div class='k-actions k-actions-start k-actions-horizontal k-prompt-actions'><button ref-custom-button>Click me</button></div>")
        function initializeComponents() {
                click: function (e) {
                    alert("Custom button clicked");

See Also

In this article