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Stacked Bar Chart

A Stacked bar is a bar divided into subparts to show cumulative effect, to display money distribution or production against time. This implementation provides the opportunity to represent the total value for a stack by given category. In the same time the subcategories are represented in the same stack. You can easily enable the stack feature through the SeriesDefaults -> Bar -> Stack(true) setting.

The following implementation demonstrates the code needed for setting the Stacked Bar Chart:

        .Title("Olympic Medals won by USA")
        .Legend(legend => legend
        .SeriesDefaults(seriesDefaults =>
        .Series(series => {
            series.Bar(new double[] { 40, 32, 34, 36, 45, 33, 34, 83, 36, 37, 44, 37, 35, 36, 46 }).Name("Gold Medals").Color("#f3ac32");
            series.Bar(new double[] { 19, 25, 21, 26, 28, 31, 35, 60, 31, 34, 32, 24, 40, 38, 29 }).Name("Silver Medals").Color("#b8b8b8");
            series.Bar(new double[] { 17, 17, 16, 28, 34, 30, 25, 30, 27, 37, 25, 33, 26, 36, 29 }).Name("Bronze Medals").Color("#bb6e36");
        .CategoryAxis(axis => axis
            .Categories("1952", "1956", "1960", "1964", "1968", "1972", "1976", "1984", "1988", "1992", "1996", "2000", "2004", "2008", "2012")
            .MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Visible(false))
        .ValueAxis(axis => axis
            .Labels(labels => labels.Format("{0}%"))
            .Line(line => line.Visible(false))
            .MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Visible(true))
        .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip
            .Template("#= #: #= value #")

Overview of the Stacked Bars:

UI for ASP.NET MVC Stacked Bars

See Also

In this article