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Date Axis

You can scale the date axis of your ASP.NET Core Bar Chart to get a better visualization of the seasonal data in your app. This can be done by modifying:

  • The base date unit of the x-axis through the CategoryAxis.BaseUnit method, which takes seconds, minutes, hours, days, week, months and years.
  • The default aggregates of the series through the Series.Aggregate property, which takes max, min, sum, avg and count.

This implementation provides the opportunity to represent the data for the Bar Chart in by different categories and aggregates. Choose the best visualization for the needs of your application, set the category and/or aggregations and observe the result.

The following implementation demonstrates the code needed for setting the Date Axis for Bar Chart:

 @model IEnumerable<Kendo.Mvc.Examples.Models.DatePoint>

<div class="configurator">
    <div class="header">Configurator</div>
    <div class="box-col">
        <h4>Base date unit</h4>
        <ul class="options">
                <input id="baseUnitAuto" name="baseUnit"
                       type="radio" value="" autocomplete="off" />
                <label for="baseUnitAuto">Automatic (default)</label>
                <input id="baseUnitYears" name="baseUnit"
                       type="radio" value="years" autocomplete="off" />
                <label for="baseUnitYears">Years</label>
                <input id="baseUnitMonths" name="baseUnit"
                       type="radio" value="months" autocomplete="off" />
                <label for="baseUnitMonths">Months</label>
                <input id="baseUnitWeeks" name="baseUnit"
                       type="radio" value="weeks" checked="checked" autocomplete="off" />
                <label for="baseUnitWeeks">Weeks</label>
                <input id="baseUnitDays" name="baseUnit"
                       type="radio" value="days" autocomplete="off" />
                <label for="baseUnitDays">Days</label>
    <div class="box-col">
        <h4>Aggregate function</h4>
        <ul class="options">
                <input id="aggregateMax" name="aggregate"
                       type="radio" value="max" autocomplete="off" />
                <label for="aggregateMax">Max (default)</label>
                <input id="aggregateMin" name="aggregate"
                       type="radio" value="min" autocomplete="off" />
                <label for="aggregateMin">Min</label>
                <input id="aggregateSum" name="aggregate"
                       type="radio" value="sum" autocomplete="off" />
                <label for="aggregateSum">Sum</label>
                <input id="aggregateAvg" name="aggregate"
                       type="radio" value="avg" checked="checked" autocomplete="off" />
                <label for="aggregateAvg">Avg</label>
                <input id="aggregateCount" name="aggregate"
                       type="radio" value="count" autocomplete="off" />
                <label for="aggregateCount">Count</label>

<div class="demo-section k-content wide">
        .Series(series =>
                    .Column(model => model.Value, categoryExpression: model => model.Date)
        .CategoryAxis(axis => axis
            .MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Visible(false))
        .ValueAxis(axis => axis
            .Line(line => line.Visible(false))

        $(document).ready( function () {
            $(".configurator").bind("change", refresh);

        function refresh() {
            var chart = $("#chart").data("kendoChart"),
                series = chart.options.series,
                categoryAxis = chart.options.categoryAxis,
                baseUnitInputs = $("input:radio[name=baseUnit]"),
                aggregateInputs = $("input:radio[name=aggregate]");

            for (var i = 0, length = series.length; i < length; i++) {
                series[i].aggregate = aggregateInputs.filter(":checked").val();

            categoryAxis.baseUnit = baseUnitInputs.filter(":checked").val();


See Also

In this article