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Formatting ProgressBar Value


Product Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core ProgressBar
Progress Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core version Created with the 2024.2.514 version


How can I format the current value of the ProgressBar that is displayed into a Grid column?

By design, the underlying value of the ProgressBar must be a number. In some cases, the value must be formatted. For example, when the number groups must be comma-separated to match the current culture.


Follow the steps below to initialize a ProgressBar into a specified Grid column and format its value based on the French (fr-FR) culture:

  1. Add the ProgressBar element through the ClientTemplate() option of the Grid's column.

      columns.Bound(p => p.Freight).ClientTemplate("<div class='progress'></div>");
      <column field="Freight" template="<div class='progress'></div>" />
  2. Handle the DataBound event of the Grid, select the div elements with class progress and initialize the ProgressBar component in each column cell.

        .Events(ev => ev.DataBound("onDataBound"))
        ...// Other configuration.
      <kendo-grid name="grid" on-data-bound="onDataBound">
        <!-- Other configuration -->
        function onDataBound(e) {
          var grid = this;
          grid.tbody.find(".progress").each(function (e) {
              var row = $(this).closest("tr");
              var model = grid.dataItem(row);
                  max: model.Freight,
                  value: model.Freight
  3. Within the DataBound event handler, select the k-progressbar elements, and access the respective ProgressBar value through the k-progressbar-status element. Use the kendo.parseFloat() and kendo.toString() methods to format the value and update it with jQuery.

        function onDataBound(e) {
          var grid = this;
          grid.tbody.find(".progress").each(function (e) {
          $.each($(".k-progressbar"), function(){
            let currentValue = $(this).find(".k-progress-status").text();
            $(this).find(".k-progress-status").text(kendo.toString(kendo.parseFloat(currentValue), 'n2', 'fr-FR'));

For a runnable example based on the code above, refer to the following REPL samples:

More ASP.NET Core ProgressBar Resources

See Also

In this article