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Missing Font Icons


Product Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core
Progress Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core version 2023.1.314


In some components, we often use commands with IconClass() to display icon buttons for the majority of the components. However, after updating we noticed that the font icon classes are no longer applied.


As of the R3 2023 release, the Telerik UI toolset supports rendering of SVG icons instead of the traditional Font icons.

Although the SVG icons are used as the predominant font toolset for the suite, this does not stop you from reverting to the Font icons:

  • Configure the added server-side Kendo service in the Program.cs class:

        builder.Services.AddKendo(options =>
            options.IconType = Kendo.Mvc.IconType.Font;
  • Invoke the Html.Kendo().DefaultSettings() method within the _Layout.cshtml of the application in order for the components to utilize font-icon rendering:


See Also

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