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Conditionally Hide Expand Icons for the Detail Template in the Grid


Product Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Grid
Product Version 2024.1.130


How can I hide the expand icon for the detail template in a Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Grid based on a HasChildren value that is defined as Model property?


  1. Traverse the rows of the parent Grid within the DataBound event.
  2. To retrieve the data item, access the <tr> element by using the dataItem() client-side method of the Grid.
  3. Conditionally hide the icon based on the HasChildren field.
    <script id="template" type="text/kendo-tmpl"> // Child Grid
            .Columns(columns =>
                columns.Bound(p => p.ChildName).Title("Child Name");
            .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource        

    @(Html.Kendo().Grid(@parentData) // Parent Grid
        .Columns(columns =>
            columns.Bound(p => p.ParentName).Title("Parent Name");

        .Events(events => events.DataBound("onDataBound"))
        .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource        
    <script id="template" type="text/html"> // Child Grid
        <kendo-grid mobile="Disabled" name="grid#=Id#" is-in-client-template="true">
                <column field="ChildName" title="Child Name">
            <datasource type="DataSourceTagHelperType.Ajax" page-size="20"  server-operation="false" data="@childData">
            <filterable enabled="true">
            <scrollable enabled="true" />
            <pageable enabled="true">
            <sortable enabled="true" />

    // Parent Grid
    <kendo-grid mobile="Disabled" name="grid" detail-template-id="template" on-data-bound="onDataBound">
            <column field="ParentName" title="Parent Name">
        <datasource type="DataSourceTagHelperType.Ajax" page-size="20"  server-operation="false" data="@parentData">
        <filterable enabled="true">
        <scrollable enabled="true" />
        <pageable enabled="true">
        <sortable enabled="true" />
        function onDataBound(e){
            var items = e.sender.items();
              var row = $(this);
              var dataItem = e.sender.dataItem(row);
    public class Parent {
        public int Id {get;set;}
        public string ParentName {get;set;}
        public bool HasChildren {get;set;}
    public class Child {
        public int Id {get;set;}
        public int ParentId {get;set;}
        public string ChildName {get;set;}
        function onDataBound(e){
            var items = e.sender.items(); // 1. Gather the DOM element representations of the rows.
            items.each(function(){ // 2. Traverse through each of the rows.
              var dataItem = e.sender.dataItem(row); // 3. Obtain the dataItem counter-part of the row.
              if(!dataItem.HasChildren){ // 4. Assert the for the HasChildren field.
                row.find(".k-hierarchy-cell").html(""); // 5. Hide the expand icon.

For a full implementation of the aforementioned approach, refer to the following Telerik REPL examples:

More ASP.NET Core Grid Resources

See Also

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