Export to Excel Only the Filtered Rows from Grid
Product | Grid for Progress® Telerik® UI for ASP.NET Core |
How can I export only the filtered rows when using the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Grid that uses server export?
To export only the filtered rows to Excel when the Grid exports the data on the server, follow these steps:
- Install the
NuGet package from the private Telerik NuGet feed. -
Create a form with three hidden inputs above the Grid declaration.
- The input with name data will store both the format and workbook title.
- The input with name model will store the column header information for the Grid.
- The filter input will retrieve the currently applied column filters.
<form action="@Url.Action("ExportServer", "Grid")" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" id="export-data" name="data" /> <input type="hidden" id="export-model" name="model" /> <input type="hidden" id="export-filter" name="filter" /> <input type="submit" class="k-button download" data-format="xlsx" data-title="Title1" value="Export to XLSX" /> </form> @(Html.Kendo().Grid<OrderViewModel>() .Name("grid") ...// Additional configuration. .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource .Ajax() .PageSize(20) .Read(read => read.Action("Orders_Read", "Grid")) .Model(m=> m.Id(i=> i.OrderID)) ) )
@addTagHelper *, Kendo.Mvc <form action="@Url.Action("ExportServer", "Grid")" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" id="export-data" name="data" /> <input type="hidden" id="export-model" name="model" /> <input type="hidden" id="export-filter" name="filter" /> <input type="submit" class="k-button download" data-format="xlsx" data-title="Title1" value="Export to XLSX" /> </form> <kendo-grid name="grid"> <!--Additional configuration.--> <datasource type="DataSourceTagHelperType.Ajax" page-size="20"> <transport> <read url="@Url.Action("Orders_Read","Grid")"/> </transport> <schema> <model id="OrderID"></model> </schema> </datasource> </kendo-grid>
Add the custom function for serializing and encoding the existing fields:
<script> var escapeQuoteRegExp = /'/ig; function encodeFilterValue(value, encode) { if (typeof value === "string") { if (value.indexOf('Date(') > -1) { value = new Date(parseInt(value.replace(/^\/Date\((.*?)\)\/$/, '$1'), 10)); } else { value = value.replace(escapeQuoteRegExp, "''"); if (encode) { value = encodeURIComponent(value); } return "'" + value + "'"; } } if (value && value.getTime) { return "datetime'" + kendo.format("{0:yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ss}", value) + "'"; } return value; } function serializeFilter(filter, encode) { if (filter.filters) { return $.map(filter.filters, function (f) { var hasChildren = f.filters && f.filters.length > 1, result = serializeFilter(f, encode); if (result && hasChildren) { result = "(" + result + ")"; } return result; }).join("~" + filter.logic + "~"); } if (filter.field) { return filter.field + "~" + filter.operator + "~" + encodeFilterValue(filter.value, encode); } else { return undefined; } } </script>
Handle the
event of the submit button of the form and populate the hidden inputs with the respective data. Transpose the custom serialization function of the data source and serialize the filter alongside other fields such as the model and current selection from the client side:<script> $(".download").on("click", function() { var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid"); var options = { format: $(this).data("format"), title: "DemoSheet" } $("#export-data").val(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(options))); $("#export-model").val(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(grid.columns))); $("#export-filter").val(encodeURIComponent(serializeFilter(grid.dataSource.filter()))); }); </script>
Set up the ExportServer action that creates the Excel file on the server and pushes it to the client:
- Parse the passed filters from the client into a
(built-in class provided by Kendo UI). - Execute the filter expression over the data collection and take the data items only.
using Kendo.Core.Export; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Telerik.Documents.SpreadsheetStreaming; public class GridController : Controller { [HttpPost] public FileStreamResult ExportServer(string model, string data, string filter, string selected) { var columnsData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IList<ExportColumnSettings>>(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(model)); columnsData = columnsData.Where(column => column.Field != null).ToList(); var filters = FilterDescriptorFactory.Create(filter); // Parse the passed filters. var filteredData = GetData().ToDataSourceResult(new DataSourceRequest() { Filters = filters, Page = 1 }).Data; // Exdecute the filter expression. The "GetData()" Action returns a List<OrderViewModel> (the grid's data). dynamic options = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(data)); SpreadDocumentFormat exportFormat = options.format.ToString() == "csv" ? exportFormat = SpreadDocumentFormat.Csv : exportFormat = SpreadDocumentFormat.Xlsx; Action<ExportCellStyle> cellStyle = new Action<ExportCellStyle>(ChangeCellStyle); Action<ExportRowStyle> rowStyle = new Action<ExportRowStyle>(ChangeRowStyle); Action<ExportColumnStyle> columnStyle = new Action<ExportColumnStyle>(ChangeColumnStyle); string fileName = string.Format("{0}.{1}", options.title, options.format); string mimeType = Helpers.GetMimeType(exportFormat); Stream exportStream = filteredData.ToXlsxStream(columnsData, (string)options.title.ToString(), cellStyleAction: cellStyle, rowStyleAction: rowStyle, columnStyleAction: columnStyle); var fileStreamResult = new FileStreamResult(exportStream, mimeType); fileStreamResult.FileDownloadName = fileName; fileStreamResult.FileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return fileStreamResult; } private void ChangeCellStyle(ExportCellStyle e) { bool isHeader = e.Row == 0; SpreadCellFormat format = new SpreadCellFormat { ForeColor = isHeader ? SpreadThemableColor.FromRgb(50, 54, 58) : SpreadThemableColor.FromRgb(214, 214, 217), IsItalic = true, VerticalAlignment = SpreadVerticalAlignment.Center, WrapText = true, Fill = SpreadPatternFill.CreateSolidFill(isHeader ? new SpreadColor(93, 227, 0) : new SpreadColor(50, 54, 58)) }; e.Cell.SetFormat(format); } private void ChangeRowStyle(ExportRowStyle e) { e.Row.SetHeightInPixels(e.Index == 0 ? 80 : 30); } private void ChangeColumnStyle(ExportColumnStyle e) { double width = 100; e.Column.SetWidthInPixels(width); } }
- Parse the passed filters from the client into a
- The filter parameter contains the currently applied filters to the Grid columns.
- If you experience issues when exporting the data to CSV, ensure that the MIME type is correct.