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Vertical Grouping

The grouping feature allows you to group the resources of the Scheduler vertically.

The vertical grouping displays the resources (such as rooms, attendees, equipment, and more) as rows along the left side of the Scheduler, with the time slots remaining on the vertical axis for Day and Week views and on the horizontal axis for Month and Timeline views. As a result, each resource is represented as a separate row, allowing the user to review all events associated with each resource one below the other. With the vertical layout, more detailed information can be displayed for each resource, as the entire row is dedicated to showing the time and events of that specific resource.

To enable the vertical resources grouping:

  1. Add the Group() configuration and specify the names of the resources in the Resources() option.
  2. Set the Orientation() option to SchedulerGroupOrientation.Vertical. The available options of the SchedulerGroupOrientation setting are Default (horizontal), Horizontal, and Vertical. The Scheduler requests and retrieves the data as usual and renders the events based on the grouped resources.

            .Resources(resource =>
                resource.Add(m => m.RoomID)
                .BindTo(new[] {
                        new { Text = "Meeting Room 101", Value = 1, Color = "#6eb3fa" },
                        new { Text = "Meeting Room 201", Value = 2, Color = "#f58a8a" }
            .Group(group => group.Resources("Rooms").Orientation(SchedulerGroupOrientation.Vertical)) // "Rooms" matches the "Name()" option of the defined resource within the "Resources()" configuration.
            ...// Additional configuration.
        @addTagHelper *, Kendo.Mvc
            var roomsData = new[]
                new { Text = "Meeting Room 101", Value = 1, Color = "#6eb3fa" },
                new { Text = "Meeting Room 201", Value = 2, Color = "#f58a8a" }
        <kendo-scheduler name="scheduler">
                <resource name="Rooms" field="RoomID" title="Room" datatextfield="Text" datavaluefield="Value" datacolorfield="Color" bind-to="@roomsData">
            <group orientation="vertical"> 
                    <group-resource name="Rooms"/> // "Rooms" matches the "name" attribute of the defined resource within the "resources" tag.
            <!--Additional configuration-->

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See Also

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