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Hierarchical Grouping

The hierarchical resource grouping feature allows you to group the resources of the Scheduler horizontally or vertically and display the resources in a parent-child structure.

When you enable the hierarchical grouping, the groups consist of parents and children, where each parent resource member can have a different child resource group. For example, if the Scheduler has Rooms as a parent resource, different Attendees can be assigned to each room. In this setup, the parent resources (such as rooms, attendees, equipment, and more) are displayed as rows or columns based on the defined orientation (vertical or horizontal), with child resources nested beneath them.

To configure the hierarchical grouping of the Scheduler's resources:

  1. Add the desired resources in the Resources() configuration. The order of the resources must follow the parent-child relation. The last resource in the Resources() configuration must not be a parent.
  2. Use the DataParentValueField() option in the child resource to specify the name of the field that holds the parent value (the parent value equals the value of the field defined as DataValueField in the parent resource.)

            .Resources(resource =>
                resource.Add(m => m.RoomID) // Parent resource.
                .BindTo(new[] {
                        new { Text = "Meeting Room 101", Value = 1, Color = "#6eb3fa" },
                        new { Text = "Meeting Room 201", Value = 2, Color = "#f58a8a" }
                resource.Add(m => m.Attendees) // Child resource.
                .DataParentValueField("Parent") // The "Parent" field in the "SchedulerResourceModel" Model holds the value of the "Value" field in the "Room" resource.
                .BindTo(new List<SchedulerResourceModel>() {
                        new SchedulerResourceModel(){ Text = "Alex", Color="red", Value = 1},
                        new SchedulerResourceModel(){ Text = "Bob", Color="green",  Value = 2, Parent = 1 } ,
                        new SchedulerResourceModel(){ Text = "Charlie",Color="yellow",  Value = 3, Parent = 2 }
            ...// Additional configuration.
        @addTagHelper *, Kendo.Mvc
            var roomsData = new[]
                new { Text = "Meeting Room 101", Value = 1, Color = "#6eb3fa" },
                new { Text = "Meeting Room 201", Value = 2, Color = "#f58a8a" }
            var attendeesData = new List<SchedulerResourceModel>() {
                new SchedulerResourceModel(){ Text = "Alex", Color="red", Value = 1},
                new SchedulerResourceModel(){ Text = "Bob", Color="green",  Value = 2, Parent = 1 } ,
                new SchedulerResourceModel(){ Text = "Charlie",Color="yellow",  Value = 3, Parent = 2 }
        <kendo-scheduler name="scheduler">
                <resource field="RoomID" title="Room" name="Rooms" datatextfield="Text" datavaluefield="Value" datacolorfield="Color" bind-to="@roomsData"> // Parent resource.
                <resource  // Child resource.
                    dataparentvaluefield="Parent" // The "Parent" field in the "SchedulerResourceModel" Model holds the value of the "Value" field in the "Room" resource.
            <!--Additional configuration-->

    Only the last one of the resources can be configured to allow multiple instance resources.

  3. Add the Group() configuration and specify the names of the resources in the Resources() option.

  4. To group the resources vertically, set the Orientation() option to SchedulerGroupOrientation.Vertical. The available options of the SchedulerGroupOrientation setting are Default (horizontal), Horizontal, and Vertical.

            .Group(group => group.Resources("Rooms", "Attendees").Orientation(SchedulerGroupOrientation.Vertical))
            ...// Additional configuration.
        @addTagHelper *, Kendo.Mvc
        <kendo-scheduler name="scheduler">
            <group orientation="vertical">
                    <group-resource name="Rooms" />
                    <group-resource name="Attendees" />
            <!--Additional configuration-->

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See Also

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