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TreeView Checkboxes

The checkboxes functionality in the TreeView provides various configuration options.

You can define the Checkboxes configuration option by:

  • Using a Boolean value.

            .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                .Read(read => read
                    .Action("Read_TreeViewData", "TreeView")
        <kendo-treeview auto-bind="true" datatextfield="Name" load-on-demand="true" name="treeview">
                    <hierarchical-model id="id"></hierarchical-model>
                    <read url="@Url.Action("Read_TreeViewData", "TreeView")"/>
            <checkboxes enabled="true" />
  • Using inner (detailed) configuration options.

    • The Name() configuration sets the name attribute of the checkbox inputs. That name will be used when a form is being posted to the server.
    • The CheckChildren() option indicates whether checkboxes of child items will be checked when the checkbox of a parent item is checked. This option also enables tri-state checkboxes with an indeterminate state.
    • The TemplateId() option allows you to define a script template which will be used for the rendering of the checkboxes. Similarly, the Template() option allows the setting of an inline string template.

              .Checkboxes(checkboxes => checkboxes
              .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                  .Read(read => read
                      .Action("Read_TreeViewData", "TreeView")
            <script type="text/kendo-template" id="checkbox-template">
              <input type='checkbox' name='checkedFiles[#= #]' value='true' />
          <kendo-treeview auto-bind="true" datatextfield="Name" load-on-demand="true" name="treeview">
                      <hierarchical-model id="id"></hierarchical-model>
                      <read url="@Url.Action("Read_TreeViewData", "TreeView")"/>
              <checkboxes check-children="true" enabled="true" template-id="checkbox-template"/>
          <script type="text/kendo-template" id="checkbox-template">
              <input type='checkbox' name='checkedFiles[#= #]' value='true' />

See Also

In this article