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The ChipList provides predefined appearance options such as different sizes, item size, border radiuses, fill modes and item theme colors.

For a live example, refer to the Appearance Demo of the ChipList.

The Kendo UI ChipList supports the following styling options:

  • ItemSize—Configures the size of the Chip items.
  • ThemeColor—Configures what color will be applied to the component.
  • FillMode—Configures how the color is applied to the component.
  • Rounded—Configures the border radius of the component.

Item Size

The ItemSize option controls how big or small the rendered chip items looks.

    @using Kendo.Mvc.UI

    @addTagHelper *, Kendo.Mvc

    <kendo-chiplist name="chiplist"
            <item label="One"></item>
            <item label="Two"></item>
            <item label="Three"></item>

The Size option accepts the following values:

  • ComponentSize.Small—Small size.
  • (Default) ComponentSize.Medium—Medium size.
  • ComponentSize.Large—Large size.
  • ComponentSize.None—Unset.

The structure of the Html class rendered on the client-side is k-chip-{size}. The default size value is Medium and is applied to the rendered div element through the k-chip-md class.

<div class="k-chip k-chip-md" >

Fill Mode

The FillMode specifies the background and border styles of the Chip items in the ChipList.

    @using Kendo.Mvc.UI

    @addTagHelper *, Kendo.Mvc

    <kendo-chiplist name="chiplist"
            <item label="One"></item>
            <item label="Two"></item>
            <item label="Three"></item>

The FillMode option accepts the following values:

  • (Default) ChipFillMode.Solid
  • ChipFillMode.Outline
  • ChipFillMode.None

The structure of the class is k-chip-{fillMode}. The default FillMode value is Solid and is applied to the rendered div element through the k-chip-solid class.

<div id="chiplist" class="k-chip-list k-chip-list-md">
    <div class="k-chip k-chip-solid" >

Theme Color

The ThemeColor option controls the color that will be applied to the rendered Chips in the ChipList.

    @using Kendo.Mvc.UI

    @addTagHelper *, Kendo.Mvc

    <kendo-chiplist name="chiplist"
            <item label="One" theme-color="ChipThemeColor.Base"></item>
            <item label="Two" theme-color="ChipThemeColor.Base"></item>
            <item label="Three" theme-color="ChipThemeColor.Base"></item>

The ThemeColor option accepts the following values:

  • (Default) ChipThemeColor.Base
  • ChipThemeColor.Info
  • ChipThemeColor.Success
  • ChipThemeColor.Warning
  • ChipThemeColor.Error

As applying Items.ThemeColor is closely related to the FillMode, the structure of the rendered Html class name for the ThemeColor is composite—k-chip-{fillMode}-{themeColor}. The default Items.ThemeColor value is Base. A Chip with a default FillMode and ThemeColor will have a k-chip-solid-base class applied.

<div id="chiplist" class="k-chip-list">
    <div class="k-chip k-chip-solid k-chip-solid-base" >

Border Radius

The Rounded option controls how much border radius is applied to the rendered Chips inside the ChipList.

    @using Kendo.Mvc.UI

    @addTagHelper *, Kendo.Mvc

    <kendo-chiplist name="chiplist"
            <item label="One" theme-color="ChipThemeColor.Base"></item>
            <item label="Two" theme-color="ChipThemeColor.Base"></item>
            <item label="Three" theme-color="ChipThemeColor.Base"></item>

The Rounded option accepts the following values:

  • Rounded.Small—Small form.
  • (Default) Rounded.Medium—Medium form.
  • Rounded.Large—Large form.
  • Rounded.Full—Circular form.
  • Rounded.None—Unset.

The structure of the Html class is k-rounded-{size}. The default rounded value is Medium and is applied to the rendered div element through the k-rounded-md class.

<div id="chiplist" class="k-chip-list">
    <div class="k-chip k-rounded-md" >

See Also

In this article