The NumericTextBox accepts only numeric entries and its specific format defines the conversion data type—for example, currency or percentage. You can use different formats, if you want to display a numeric specific for a particular country/region. The purpose of number formatting is to convert a Number object to a human readable string using the culture-specific settings. For setting a Format in the Telerik UI NumericTextBox for MVC and Core the "Format" property could be used.
The following example demonstrates how to render a currency NumericTextBox by using the "Format" property.
<kendo-numerictextbox name="numeric"
The following example demonstrates how to render a percentage NumericTextBox by using the "Format" property.
<kendo-numerictextbox name="percentage"
More examples of the available formatting options you can find below. The runnable example in the demo represents how to format numbers by using the kendo.toString method in Kendo UI: