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Prefix and Suffix

The MultiColumnComboBox component provides options for enhancing the user interface interactivity by adding custom content as prefix and suffix adornments.

The prefix and suffix input adornments are elements positioned before and after the MultiColumnComboBox input element, commonly used to clarify the expected data in the input, such as currency symbols or unit indicators, and provide direct functionality for the entered data, like password visibility toggles, formatting, and more.


The prefix input adornment is placed before the MultiColumnComboBox field and provides an additional context that guides users in entering specific data, such as icons for currencies or unit indicators. To configure the Prefix functionality, use the PrefixOptions() configuration, which facilitates the following options:

  • Icon()—Inserts an icon before the MultiColumnComboBox element. The option accepts the name of an existing icon in the Kendo UI theme or SVG content.
  • Template()—Adds custom content before the MultiColumnComboBox element. You can use a variety of templating options like TemplateId(), TemplateHandler(), and more.
  • Separator()—By default, the separator is visible. Disable the Separator() option to remove the default separator of the prefix content.

The following example demonstrates how to set an icon as a prefix of the MultiColumnComboBox component.

        .PrefixOptions(prefix => prefix.Icon("map-marker-target"))
        .Columns(columns =>
            columns.Add().Field("Value").Title("City ID");
            columns.Add().Field("Text").Title("City Name");
        .Placeholder("Please select city...")
        .DataSource(dataSource =>
            dataSource.Read("ReadCountries", "MultiColumnComboBox")
    <kendo-multicolumncombobox name="cities"
        placeholder="Please select city..."
        <prefix-options icon="map-marker-target" />
            <column field="Value" title="City ID"></column>
            <column field="Text" title="City Name"></column>
                <read url="@Url.Action("ReadCountries", "MultiColumnComboBox")" />
    public JsonResult ReadCountries()
        List<SelectListItem> countries = GetCountries();
        return Json(countries);

    private static List<SelectListItem> GetCountries()
        return new List<SelectListItem>()
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "1", Text = "Lisboa"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "2", Text = "Moscow"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "3", Text = "Napoli"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "4", Text = "Tokyo"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "5", Text = "Oslo"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "6", Text = "Pаris"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "7", Text = "Porto"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "8", Text = "Rome"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "9", Text = "Berlin"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "10",Text = "Nice"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "11",Text = "New York"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "12",Text = "Sao Paulo"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "13",Text = "Rio De Janeiro"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "14",Text = "Venice"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "15",Text = "Los Angeles"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "16",Text = "Madrid"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "17",Text = "Barcelona"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "18",Text = "Prague"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "19",Text = "Mexico City"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "20",Text = "Buenos Aires"}


The suffix input adornment is an element positioned after the input field. Usually, it offers direct functionality related to the entered data, such as toggles for password visibility, formatting options, or the ability to clear the input. Set up the Suffix functionality through the SuffixOptions() configuration that provides the following options:

  • Icon()—Adds an icon after the MultiColumnComboBox element. The option accepts the name of an existing icon in the Kendo UI theme or SVG content.
  • Template()—Adds custom content for the suffix adornment of the MultiColumnComboBox.
  • Separator()—By default, the separator is visible. Disable the Separator() option to remove the default separator of the suffix content.

The following example demonstrates how to add a button as a suffix of the MultiColumnComboBox component.

        .SuffixOptions(suffix => suffix.TemplateId("suffixTemplate"))
        .Columns(columns =>
            columns.Add().Field("Value").Title("City ID");
            columns.Add().Field("Text").Title("City Name");
        .Placeholder("Please select city...")
        .DataSource(dataSource =>
            dataSource.Read("ReadCountries", "MultiColumnComboBox")

    <script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="suffixTemplate">
    <kendo-multicolumncombobox name="cities"
        placeholder="Please select city..."
        <suffix-options template-id="suffixTemplate" />
            <column field="Value" title="City ID"></column>
            <column field="Text" title="City Name"></column>
                <read url="@Url.Action("ReadCountries", "MultiColumnComboBox")" />

    <script type="text/html" id="suffixTemplate">
        <kendo-button name="suffix-copy-button" is-in-client-template="true"
    public JsonResult ReadCountries()
        List<SelectListItem> countries = GetCountries();
        return Json(countries);

    private static List<SelectListItem> GetCountries()
        return new List<SelectListItem>()
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "1", Text = "Lisboa"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "2", Text = "Moscow"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "3", Text = "Napoli"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "4", Text = "Tokyo"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "5", Text = "Oslo"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "6", Text = "Pаris"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "7", Text = "Porto"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "8", Text = "Rome"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "9", Text = "Berlin"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "10",Text = "Nice"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "11",Text = "New York"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "12",Text = "Sao Paulo"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "13",Text = "Rio De Janeiro"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "14",Text = "Venice"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "15",Text = "Los Angeles"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "16",Text = "Madrid"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "17",Text = "Barcelona"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "18",Text = "Prague"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "19",Text = "Mexico City"},
            new SelectListItem{ Value = "20",Text = "Buenos Aires"}

See Also

In this article