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DatePicker Appearance

As of the R1 2022 release, the DatePicker component uses a new rendering. To learn more about the reasons for this decision, see the Components Appearance article.

For a live example of the DatePicker styling options, visit the DatePicker Appearance Demo.


The DatePicker supports the following styling options:

  • Size—configures the overall size of the component.
  • Rounded—configures the border radius of the component.
  • FillMode—configures how the color is applied to the component.


The Size option controls the size of the DatePicker. The k-input-{size} class, which is applied to the wrapping span element of the DatePicker, reflects the value of the Size option.

The following values are available for the Size option:

  • Small—small size (applies the k-input-sm class to the wrapping span element).
  • Medium—medium size (applies the k-input-md class to the wrapping span element).
  • Large—large size (applies the k-input-lg class to the wrapping span element).
  • None—unset.

The following example demonstrates how to set Size in the declaration of the DatePicker:

      .Value(new DateTime(2011, 10, 10))
      .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width: 100%", title = "datepicker" })
<kendo-datepicker name="datepicker"
                  value="new DateTime(2011, 10, 10)"/>

The default Size value is Medium and it is applied to the wrapping span element through the k-input-md class.

<span class="k-datepicker k-input k-input-md">


The Rounded option controls the border radius of the DatePicker. The class that corresponds to the Rounded option is k-rounded-{rounded}.

The following values are available for the Rounded option:

  • Small—small border radius (applies the k-rounded-sm class to the wrapping span element).
  • Medium—medium border radius (applies the k-rounded-md class to the wrapping span element).
  • Large—large border radius (applies the k-rounded-lg class to the wrapping span element).
  • Full—largest border radius (applies the k-rounded-full class to the wrapping span element).
  • None—unset.

The following example demonstrates how to set Rounded in the declaration of the DatePicker:

      .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width: 100%", title = "datepicker" })
<kendo-datepicker name="datepicker"
                  value="new DateTime(2011, 10, 10)"/>

The default Rounded value is Medium and it is applied to the wrapping span element through the k-rounded-md class.

<span class="k-datepicker k-input k-rounded-md">


The FillMode option controls the way color is applied to the rendered DatePicker. The k-input-{fillMode} class, which is applied to the wrapping span element of the DatePicker, reflects the value of the FillMode option.

The following values are available for the FillMode option:

  • Solid—applies the k-input-solid class to the wrapping span element.
  • Flat—applies the k-input-flat class to the wrapping span element.
  • Outline—applies the k-input-outline class to the wrapping span element.
  • None—unset.

The following example demonstrates how to set FillMode in the declaration of the DatePicker:

      .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width: 100%", title = "datepicker" })
<kendo-datepicker name="datepicker"
                  value="new DateTime(2011, 10, 10)"/>

The default FillMode value is Solid and it is applied to the wrapping span element through the k-input-solid class.

<span class="k-datepicker k-input k-input-solid">

Old vs New Rendering

The old rendering of the component consisted of several wrapping elements:

  • The outer span wrapper with the k-datepicker and k-widget classes.

    <span class="k-widget k-datepicker">
  • The inner span wrapper with the k-picker-wrap class.

    <span class="k-picker-wrap k-state-default">
  • The input element with the k-input class. This element is a child of the k-picker-wrap span.

    <input class="k-input" role="combobox" >
  • The button span element with k-select class. This element is a child of the k-picker-wrap span and renders the button which expands the calendar on click.

    <span unselectable="on" class="k-select" role="button">
  • The icon span element with the k-icon class. This element is a child of the k-select span and renders the calendar icon.

    <span class="k-icon k-i-calendar">

The following example demonstrates the full version of the old rendering:

<span class="k-widget k-datepicker">
  <span class="k-picker-wrap k-state-default">
    <input class="k-input" role="combobox" >
    <span unselectable="on" class="k-select" role="button">
       <span class="k-icon k-i-calendar">

The new rendering of the component consists of a single wrapping span element that contains the child input and button elements:

  • The span element controls the overall appearance of the widget and has the following class structure:

    <span class="k-datepicker k-input k-input-md k-rounded-md k-input-solid">
  • The input element controls the appearance of the DatePicker itself and has the following class structure:

    <input type="text" class="k-input-inner" value="..." placeholder="..." />
  • The button element controls the appearance of the button that expands the calendar view and has the following class structure:

    <button type="button" class="k-input-button k-button k-icon-button k-button-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base">
  • The inner span element renders the calendar icon of the DatePicker and has the following class structure:

    <span class="k-button-icon k-icon k-i-calendar"></span>

The following example demonstrates how to configure the appearance of the component through configuration:

      .HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width: 100%", title = "datepicker" })
<kendo-datepicker name="datepicker"
                  value="new DateTime(2011, 10, 10)"/>

The following example demonstrates the full version of the new rendering:

<span class="k-datepicker k-input k-input-md k-rounded-md k-input-solid">
  <input type="text" class="k-input-inner" value="..." placeholder="..." />
  <button type="button" class="k-input-button k-button k-icon-button k-button-md k-button-solid k-button-solid-base">
    <span class="k-button-icon k-icon k-i-calendar"></span>

Visual Backwards Compatibility

In order to achieve the same look and feel as the old rendering, the element references must be updated. Visit the CSS Classes Migration and JQuery Selectors Migration sections of the Styling Overview article for additional information.

The new styling and rendering supports only the default options when you use a LESS theme.

Previously, a reference to the DatePicker input element was obtainable through the k-input class.

$(".k-input") // Returns a reference to the input element in the old rendering.

With the new rendering, the DatePicker input element must be targeted by using the k-input-inner class.

$(".k-input-inner") // Returns a reference to the input element in the new rendering.

Previously, a reference to the button element was obtainable through the k-select class.

$(".k-select") // Returns a reference to the calendar button element in the old rendering.

With the new rendering, a reference to the button element is obtainable through the k-button and k-input-button classes.

$(".k-button") // Returns a reference to the calendar button element in the new rendering.
$(".k-input-button") // Returns a reference to the calendar button element in the new rendering.

The following example showcases how to change the background colors of the input and button elements of the DatePicker in both the new, and the old rendering:

      /* Doesn't work AFTER R1 2022 */
      .k-input {
        background-color: #0071bc !important; /* Blue color in versions BEFORE R1 2022 */
      .k-select {
        background-color: red !important; /* Applies red color to the button element BEFORE R1 2022 */
      /* Doesn't work BEFORE R1 2022 */
      .k-input-inner {
        background-color: #2e8540 !important; /* Green color in versions AFTER R1 2022 */
      .k-input-button {
        background-color: yellow !important; /* Applies yellow color to the button element AFTER R1 2022 */

See Also

In this article