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The Telerik UI ComboBox for ASP.NET Core allows the user to filter the available items by their text so they can find the one they need more quickly.

To enable the ComboBox filtering, set the desired filter operator through the Filter() method. The supported options are contains, startswith and endswith. When the filtering is enabled, the user can decide where the actual filtering happens:

Client Filtering

By design, the Telerik UI ComboBox uses client-side filtering and there is no specific option that should be set. The actual operation is performed via JavaScript directly on the client. No requests are being made to the server-side.

Server Filtering

To enable server filtering set the ServerFiltering option to true. Doing so, the filtering will be perfomed on the server-side. The widget performs an AJAX request and sends the filter's value and operator to the server-side. The data is filtered on the server and the ready-to-use subset is returned back to the widget.

          .DataSource(source =>
              source.Read(read =>
                  read.Action("ServerFiltering_GetProducts", "ComboBox");
<kendo-combobox name="products">
    <datasource server-filtering="true">
            <read url="@Url.Action("ServerFiltering_GetProducts", "ComboBox")" />

See Also

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