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Captcha in Razor Pages

Razor Pages is an alternative to the MVC pattern that makes page-focused coding easier and more productive. This approach consists of a cshtml file and a cshtml.cs file (by design, the two files have the same name).

You can seamlessly integrate the Telerik UI Captcha for ASP.NET Core in Razor Pages applications.

This article showcases how to configure the Captcha component in a Razor Pages scenario.

For the complete project, refer to the Captcha in Razor Pages example.

Getting Started

To set up the Captcha for a Razor Pages scenario, you need to configure the server-side handler methods that will validate the user's input. The URL in these methods must refer to the name of the PageModel. From there, to further configure your application's backend, refer to the Validation article.

    @inject Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.IAntiforgery Xsrf

        var token = Xsrf.GetAndStoreTokens(HttpContext).RequestToken;

            .HtmlAttributes(new { method = "POST" })
            .Validatable(v =>
                v.ErrorTemplate("<span style='color: red'>#:message#</span>");
            .Items(items =>
                    .Field(f => f.ShipName)
                    .Label(l => l.Text("Ship Name:"))
                    .Hint("Hint: Ship Name must be at least 5 characters long to pass server validation rules");
                    .Field(f => f.ShipCity)
                    .Label(l => l.Text("Ship City"));
                    .Field(f => f.OrderDate)
                    .Editor(e => e.DatePicker())
                    .Label(l => l.Text("Order Date:"));
                    .Field(f => f.Freight)
                    .Editor(e => e.NumericTextBox())
                    .Label(l => l.Text("Freight:"));
                    .Editor(ed => ed.Captcha()
                        .Handler(handler => handler.Url(Url.Page("CaptchaIndex", "Reset")))
                        .ValidationHandler(handler => handler.Url(Url.Page("CaptchaIndex", "Validate")))
        function audioHandler(args) {
            args.success("../shared/UserFiles/Folders/captcha/" + + ".wav");
    public class CaptchaIndexModel : PageModel
        public OrderViewModel Order { get; set; }

        protected readonly IWebHostEnvironment HostingEnvironment;
        protected string CaptchaPath { get; set; }

        public CaptchaIndexModel(IWebHostEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
            HostingEnvironment = hostingEnvironment;

            var captchaFilePath = Path.Combine("shared", "UserFiles", "Folders", "Captcha");
            CaptchaPath = $"{HostingEnvironment.WebRootPath}\\{captchaFilePath}";

        public void OnGet(CaptchaModel captchaModel)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(captchaModel.CaptchaID))
                string text = GetCaptchaText(captchaModel.CaptchaID);

                if (text == captchaModel.Captcha.ToUpperInvariant())
            if (Order == null)
                Order = new OrderViewModel();
        public IActionResult OnPost()
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return Page();

            return RedirectToPage("Success");
        public ActionResult OnGetReset()
            CaptchaImage newCaptcha = SetCaptchaImage();

            return new JsonResult(new CaptchaModel
                Captcha = "../shared/UserFiles/Folders/Captcha/" + newCaptcha.UniqueId + ".png",
                CaptchaID = newCaptcha.UniqueId

        public ActionResult OnGetValidate(CaptchaModel model)
            string text = GetCaptchaText(model.CaptchaID);

            return new JsonResult(text == model.Captcha.ToUpperInvariant());
        private void GenerateNewCaptcha()
            CaptchaImage captchaImage = SetCaptchaImage();

            ViewData["Captcha"] = Url.Content("~/shared/UserFiles/Folders/Captcha/" + captchaImage.UniqueId + ".png");
            ViewData["CaptchaID"] = captchaImage.UniqueId;

        private string GetCaptchaText(string captchaId)
            string text = HttpContext.Session.GetString("captcha_" + captchaId);

            return text;

        private CaptchaImage SetCaptchaImage()
            CaptchaImage newCaptcha = CaptchaHelper.GetNewCaptcha();

            MemoryStream audio = CaptchaHelper.SpeakText(newCaptcha);
            using (FileStream file = new FileStream(Path.Combine(CaptchaPath, newCaptcha.UniqueId + ".wav"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))

            var image = CaptchaHelper.RenderCaptcha(newCaptcha);
            image.Save(Path.Combine(CaptchaPath, newCaptcha.UniqueId + ".png"), ImageFormat.Png);

            HttpContext.Session.SetString("captcha_" + newCaptcha.UniqueId, newCaptcha.Text);

            return newCaptcha;
In this article