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Model Binding

You can implement model binding both with local data and remote data.

Local Data

Local data is the data that is available on the client when the AutoComplete is initialized.

  1. Pass the data to the view through ViewData.

    public ActionResult Index()
        ViewData["products"] = GetProducts();
        return View(new ProductViewModel
            ProductID = 4,
            ProductName = "ProductName4"
    private static IEnumerable<ProductViewModel> GetProducts()
        var products = Enumerable.Range(0, 2000).Select(i => new ProductViewModel
            ProductID = i,
            ProductName = "ProductName" + i
        return products;
  2. Add the AutoComplete to the view and bind it to the data that is saved in ViewData.

        @model MvcApplication1.Models.ProductViewModel
        @(Html.Kendo().AutoCompleteFor(m => m.ProductName)

Remote Data

You can configure the AutoComplete to get its data from a remote source by making an AJAX request.

  1. Create an action that returns the data as a JSON result.

        public ActionResult Index()
            return View(new ProductViewModel
                ProductID = 4,
                ProductName = "ProductName4"
        public JsonResult GetProductsAjax()
            var products = Enumerable.Range(0, 500).Select(i => new ProductViewModel
                ProductID = i,
                ProductName = "ProductName" + i
            return Json(products);
  2. Add the AutoComplete to the view and configure its DataSource to use remote data.

        @model MvcApplication1.Models.ProductViewModel
        @(Html.Kendo().AutoCompleteFor(m => m.ProductName)
            .Placeholder("Select product...")
            .DataSource(source =>
                source.Read(read =>
                    read.Action("GetProductsAjax", "Home");

See Also

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