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ASP.NET Core TaskBoard Overview

The Telerik UI TaskBoard TagHelper and HtmlHelper for ASP.NET Core are server-side wrappers for the Kendo UI TaskBoard widget. To add the component to your ASP.NET Core app, you can use either.

The ASP.NET Core TaskBoard allows you to easily organize items and keep track of their state. The component provides a clean and user-friendly interface and enables you to manage tasks, notes, projects, people, or other kinds of items. The TaskBoard displays columns (lanes), which can represent different types of project/task statuses. Tasks are visualized as cards, which are customizable through templates. You can reorder cards within the columns, or drag and drop them onto another column.

Initializing the TaskBoard

The following example demonstrates how to initialize the TaskBoard.

    @(Html.Kendo().TaskBoard<Kendo.Mvc.Examples.Models.Scheduler.TaskViewModel, Kendo.Mvc.Examples.Models.TaskBoard.Column>()
        .ColumnSettings(columnSettings => columnSettings
        .Columns(dataSource => dataSource
            .Read("Editing_Columns_Read", "TaskBoard")
            .Create("Editing_Columns_Create", "TaskBoard")
            .Update("Editing_Columns_Update", "TaskBoard")
            .Destroy("Editing_Columns_Destroy", "TaskBoard")
        .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
            .Model(model => model.Id(p => p.TaskID))
            .Read(read => read.Action("Tasks_Read", "TaskBoard"))
            .Create(update => update.Action("Tasks_Create", "TaskBoard"))
            .Update(update => update.Action("Tasks_Update", "TaskBoard"))
            .Destroy(update => update.Action("Tasks_Destroy", "TaskBoard"))

Functionality and Features

Data BindingThe TaskBoard provides options for binding it to local and remote data.
CardsThe TaskBoard displays tasks, notes, projects, or other types of items as cards.
ColumnsThe TaskBoard displays cards grouped by criteria in columns (lanes).
EditingThe TaskBoard allows column and card editing. By default, editing in the TaskBoard is enabled for both columns and cards.
ResourcesThe component allows you to configure resources—optional metadata that can be associated with a card.
SearchYou can utilize a built-in search tool in the TaskBoard's toolbar that allows you to search through the cards data.
TemplatesYou are able to control the rendering of columns, cards, and popup headers with the use of Kendo UI Templates or the Template Component.
ToolbarThe built-in toolbar of the component allows you to use existing tools or to create new custom ones.
AccessibilityThe TaskBoard is accessible by screen readers and provides WAI-ARIA, Section 508, WCAG 2.2, and keyboard support.
GlobalizationThe globalization process combines the translation of component messages (localization) with adapting them to specific cultures (internationalization and right-to-left support).

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See Also