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Sorting and Filtering

The Spreadsheet for ASP.NET Core allows you to set predefined sort and filter settings.


You can set the Sorting configuration via the Sort() option. set the reference over which the sorting will be applied via the Ref() configuration and define further sorting settings via the Columns() configuration option.

    .Sheets(sheets =>
                .Sort(sort => sort
                    .Columns(columns => { 
                //additional sheet configuration options
    <sheet name="Sheet1">
        <sort ref="A3:G49">
            <sort-columns >
                <sort-column index="3" ascending="false">


You can set the Filtering configuration via the Filter() option. set the reference over which the filtering will be applied via the Ref() configuration and define further filtering settings via the Columns() configuration option. you will need to set a Filter and the additional parameters for each filter.

The supported filters are:

  • ValueFilter - Represents a filter applied to a column of a given range. Used to filter a column by a predefined set of values.
  • TopFilter - Represents a filter applied to a column of a given range. It may be used to filter the top X items (top X percent, bottom X percent, top X number, bottom X number).
  • DynamicFilter - Represents a filter applied to a column of a given range. It may be used to filter dates and numbers for relative values, like belowAverage, yesterday, etc.
  • CustomFilter - Represents a filter applied to a column of a given range. It may specify one or two criterion, comparison operator (equals, starts with, greater than etc.), and logical operator (and, or).
    .Sheets(sheets =>
                .Filter(filter => filter
                    .Columns(columns => { columns
        //additional sheet configuration options
    <sheet name="Sheet1">
                <filter-column index="0" filter="custom">
                        <criteria operator="SpreadsheetFilterOperator.GreaterThan" value="10227"></criteria>

See Also

In this article