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Excel Export

The PivotGridV2 provides built-in Excel export capabilities.

To use the Excel export feature, reference the JSZip library before the Kendo UI JavaScript files in the _Layout.cshtml. For more information, refer to the Excel export requirements.


To export the PivotGridV2, call the saveAsExcel() client-side API method of the component.

    function buttonClick() {
        var pivotgrid = $("#pivotgrid").data("kendoPivotGridV2");

The PivotGridV2 also provides an Excel configuration that allows you to set additional options, such as the name of the generated file or the proxy URL.

        .Excel(excel => excel
            .FileName("Kendo UI PivotGridV2 Export.xlsx")
            .ProxyURL(Url.Action("Excel_Export_Save", "Home"))
        //... Other configuration ...
    <kendo-pivotgridv2 name="pivotgrid" column-width="200" height="580">
        <excel proxy-url="@Url.Action("Excel_Export_Save","Home")" filterable="true" file-name="Kendo UI PivotGridV2 Export.xlsx" />
        //... Other configuration ...

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