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PivotConfiguratorV2 Overview

The Telerik UI PivotConfiguratorV2 HtmlHelper for ASP.NET Core represents an OLAP cube structure.

The PivotConfiguratorV2 can be used for configuring the column and row dimensions, and the measure fields of the PivotGridV2. It is a supplementary component which is strongly related to the Telerik UI PivotDataSourceV2 component.

Initializing the PivotConfiguratorV2

The following example demonstrates how to create the PivotConfigurator.


    // Other configuration.
    <kendo-pivotconfiguratorv2 name="configurator" filterable="true" height="570">

    <kendo-pivotgridv2 name="pivotgridv2" height="570" configurator="#configurator">
        <!--Other configuration. -->

Basic Configuration

The following example demonstrates how to configure the PivotConfigurator.


        .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.
            .Columns(columns =>
            .Rows(rows => rows.Add("[Geography].[City]"))
            .Measures(measures => measures.Values(new string[] { "[Measures].[Reseller Freight Cost]" }))
            .Transport(transport => transport
                .Connection(connection => connection
                    .Catalog("Adventure Works DW 2008R2")
                    .Cube("Adventure Works"))
                .Read(read => read
    <kendo-pivotconfiguratorv2 name="configurator" filterable="true" height="570">

    <kendo-pivotgridv2 name="pivotgrid" column-width="200" height="570" configurator="#configurator">
        <pivot-datasource type="PivotDataSourceType.Xmla">
                <pivot-datasource-column name="[Date].[Calendar]" expand="true"></pivot-datasource-column>
                <pivot-datasource-column name="[Product].[Category]"></pivot-datasource-column>
                <row name="[Geography].[City]"></row>
            <measures values=@(new string[] {"[Measures].[Reseller Freight Cost]"} )></measures>
            <transport read-url="" datatype="text" content-type="text/xml" type="POST">
                <connection catalog="Adventure Works DW 2008R2" cube="Adventure Works"></connection>

The following image demonstrates the output from the previous example.

UI for ASP.NET Core PivotGridV2 and PivotConfiguratorV2

Referencing Existing Instances

To reference an existing PivotConfigurator instance, use the method. Once a reference has been established, use the PivotConfigurator client-side API to control its behavior.

var pivotconfiguratorv2 = $("#pivotconfiguratorv2").data("kendoPivotConfiguratorV2");

See Also

In this article