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Keyboard Navigation

The keyboard navigation of the AIPrompt is always available.

For a runnable example, refer to the demo on using the keyboard navigation of the AIPrompt.

The AIPrompt supports the following keyboard shortcuts:

Enter or Space When the toolbar is focused—selects the focused view. When a panel item is focused—expands or collapses the item. When a button is focused—triggers the click event.
Tab Navigates to the next structure element of the AIPrompt—either the header, the content, or the footer element.
Shift + Tab Navigates to the previous structure element of the AIPrompt—either the header, the content, or the footer element.
Right Arrow or Left Arrow Navigates to the next/previous view button when the toolbar is focused.
Up Arrow or Down Arrow Navigates to the next/previous item when a panel is focused.

See Also

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