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Pie Charts

The Telerik UI Pie Chart TagHelper and HtmlHelper for ASP.NET Core are server-side wrappers for the Kendo UI Pie Chart widget.

Pie Charts display data as single-series sectors from a two-dimensional circle which is useful for rendering data as a part of the whole.

Getting Started

The Telerik UI Donut Chart component for ASP.NET Core is a Pie Chart variation with the same ability to display a single data series in a two-dimensional circle and is likewise useful for displaying data as a part of the whole.

To create a Pie series in the Chart component, use Pie in the Series configuration.

Creating the Pie Chart

The following example demonstrates how to define a single series of type "pie". Additional series are not supported and each data point is an object that specifies the point value, category label, and other properties.

        .Title("Break-up of Spain Electricity Production for 2008")
        .Legend(legend => legend
        .SeriesColors(new string[] { "#03a9f4", "#ff9800", "#fad84a", "#4caf50" })
        .Series(series =>
            series.Pie(new dynamic[] {
            new {category="Hydro",value=22,color="#9de219"},
            new {category="Solar",value=2,color="#90cc38"},
            new {category="Nuclear",value=49,color="#068c35"},
            new {category="Wind",value=27,color="#006634"}})
            .Overlay(o => o.Gradient(ChartSeriesGradient.RoundedBevel));
        .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip.
            Template("${ category } - ${ value }%").Visible(true)
    <kendo-chart name="chart" series-colors='new string[] { "#03a9f4", "#ff9800", "#fad84a", "#4caf50" }'>
        <chart-title text="Break-up of Spain Electricity Production for 2008"></chart-title>
        <chart-legend position="ChartLegendPosition.Bottom"></chart-legend>
        <series-defaults type="ChartSeriesType.Pie"></series-defaults>
            <series-item data='new dynamic[] {
                        new {category="Hydro",value=22,color="#9de219"},
                        new {category="Solar",value=2,color="#90cc38"},
                        new {category="Nuclear",value=49,color="#068c35"},
                        new {category="Wind",value=27,color="#006634"}}'>
                <overlay gradient="ChartSeriesGradient.RoundedBevel" />
        <tooltip visible="true" template="${ category } - ${ value }%"></tooltip>

UI for ASP.NET Core A sample Pie Chart

Configuring the Labels Visibility

The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Pie Chart enables you to show or hide labels through the Visible() configuration method for the given series.

    .Series(series =>
        series.Pie(new dynamic[] {})
            .Labels(labels => labels
        <series-item data='new dynamic[] {}'>
            <labels visible="true"></labels>

Configuring the Labels Alignment

The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Pie Chart allows you to configure the label alignment for the series through the Align() configuration method.

    .Series(series =>
        series.Pie(new dynamic[] {})
            .Labels(labels => labels
        <series-item data='new dynamic[] {}'>
            <labels align="ChartSeriesLabelsAlign.Circle"></labels>

The Pie Chart support two modes of label alignment:

  • Circle(default)—The labels are positioned in a circle around the Chart.

    UI for ASP.NET Core A Pie Chart with circle aligned labels

  • Column—The labels are positioned in columns to the left and right of the Chart.

    UI for ASP.NET Core A Pie Chart with column aligned labels

Configuring the Effects Overlay

Each segment has a transparent effect overlay that adds depth to the two-dimensional shape. The overlay transparent gradient is configurable.

    .Series(series =>
       series.Pie(new dynamic[] {})
       .Overlay(o => o.Gradient(ChartSeriesGradient.None));
        <series-item data='new dynamic[] {}'>
            <overlay gradient="ChartSeriesGradient.None" />

The Pie Chart supports the following ChartSeriesGradient options:

  • (Default) RoundedBevel

    UI for ASP.NET Core A Pie Chart with roundedBevel overlay

  • SharpBevel

    UI for ASP.NET Core A Pie Chart with sharpBevel overlay

  • None

    UI for ASP.NET Core A Pie Chart with no overlay

See Also

In this article