

    <messages />


Tag Name Details
card-menu TaskBoardCardMenusTagHelper
column-settings TaskBoardColumnSettingsSettingsTagHelper
datasource DataSourceTagHelper
editable TaskBoardEditableSettingsTagHelper
messages TaskBoardMessagesSettingsTagHelper
preview-pane TaskBoardPreviewPaneSettingsTagHelper
taskboard-columns TaskBoardColumnsTagHelper
taskboard-resources TaskBoardResourcesTagHelper
taskboard-template TemplateTagHelper
toolbar TaskBoardToolbarSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
as-child-component Boolean
bind-to IEnumerable<Object> Binds the TaskBoard DataSource to a collection of items.
data-category-field String The category field of the card.
data-description-field String The description field of the card.
data-order-field String The field used to order cards (number based). If not set, cards will be rendered in the order they are fetched. And ordering will not be applied to the DataSource and respectively, not synced with the remote data source.
datasource-id String The ID of the DataSource tag helper.
data-status-field String The field of the data item that provides the status of the card. Mapped with the status of the columns.
data-title-field String The title field of the card.
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
auto-bind Boolean Controls whether to bind the TaskBoard to the data source on initialization.
has-client-component Boolean
height String Configures the height of the TaskBoard wrapper.
on-change String Fired when the user changed the card order or status by dragging.
on-columns-data-binding String Fired before the TaskBoard binds the columns' data source.
on-columns-data-bound String Fired when the TaskBoard's columns are bound to their data source.
on-data-binding String Fired before the TaskBoard binds to its data source.
on-data-bound String Fired when the TaskBoard is bound to data from its data source.
on-delete-card String Fired when the user deletes a card.
on-delete-column String Fired when the user deletes a column.
on-edit-card String Fired when the user edits or creates a card.
on-edit-column String Fired when the user edits or creates a column.
on-execute String Fires when a command is executed.
on-move String Fired when the user moves a card.
on-move-end String Fired when the user dropped a card in a column.
on-move-start String Fired when the user started moving a card.
on-save-card String Fired when the user saves a card.
on-save-column String Fired when the user saves a column.
on-select String Fired when the user selects a card in the TaskBoard.
reorderable Boolean Toggles the reordering of cards in the TaskBoard.
sanitize-id Boolean
selectable Boolean Toggles the selection of the TaskBoard.
template String Controls the rendering of the card.
template-handler String Controls the rendering of the card.
template-id String Controls the rendering of the card.
template-view IHtmlContent Controls the rendering of the card.
width String Configures the width of the TaskBoard wrapper.
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