

    <default-cell-style />
    <excel />


Tag Name Details
default-cell-style SpreadsheetDefaultCellStyleSettingsTagHelper
excel SpreadsheetExcelSettingsTagHelper
pdf SpreadsheetPdfSettingsTagHelper
sheets SpreadsheetSheetsTagHelper
toolbar SpreadsheetToolbarTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
as-child-component Boolean
has-client-component Boolean
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
active-sheet String The name of the currently active sheet. Must exactly match one of the (sheet names)[#configuration-sheets.name].
columns Double The number of columns in the document.
column-width Double The default column width in pixels.
header-height Double The height of the header row in pixels.
header-width Double The width of the header column in pixels.
images Object An object containing any images used in the Spreadsheet. The keys should be image ID-s (they are referenced by this ID in (sheets.drawings)[#configuration-sheets.drawings]) and the values should be image URLs.The image URLs can be eitherdata URLs, in which case the images are fully contained by the JSON, or can be external URLs.Note that when external URLs are used, they should reside on the same domain, or the server must be configured with the properCORS headers, for the Spreadsheet to be able to fetch binary image data using a XMLHttpRequest. If it cannot fetch the image, export to Excel or PDF might not work.
on-change String Triggered when the range format is changed from the UI. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-change-format String Triggered when the range format is changed from the UI. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-changing String Triggered when a value or validation in the Spreadsheet is about to be changed upon user interaction.
on-copy String Fired when a range of a sheet is about to be copied.
on-cut String Fired when a range of a sheet is about to be cut.
on-data-binding String Fired when the data retrieved from a DataSource is about to be bound to a sheet. Available only if DataSource has been defined for at least one sheet.
on-data-bound String Fired when the data from a DataSource is already populated in a sheet. Available only if DataSource has been defined for at least one sheet.
on-delete-column String Triggered when a column will be deleted. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-delete-row String Triggered when a row will be deleted. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-excel-export String Fires when the user clicks the Export to Excel toolbar button.
on-excel-import String Fired when the user clicks the Open toolbar button.
on-hide-column String Triggered when a column will be hidden. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-hide-row String Triggered when a row will be hidden. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-insert-column String Triggered when a column will be inserted. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-insert-row String Triggered when a row will be inserted. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-insert-sheet String Triggered when a sheet is inserted. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-paste String Fired when a data is about to be pasted in a sheet.
on-pdf-export String Fired when the user initiates the export to PDF.
on-remove-sheet String Triggered when a sheet will be removed. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-rename-sheet String Triggered when a sheet will be renamed. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-render String Triggered after the widget has completed rendering. The event will also fire when a cell is selected or when the Spreadsheet's tools (bold, italic) are used, as the target element is re-generated with new styles (e.g background-color, box-shadow, font-weight, etc.).
on-select String Triggered when a sheet will be activated. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-select-sheet String Triggered when a sheet will be activated. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-unhide-column String Triggered when a column will be shown. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
on-unhide-row String Triggered when a row will be shown. Introduced in the 2017 Q1 release.
row-height Double The default row height in pixels.
rows Double The number of rows in the document.
sanitize-id Boolean
sheetsbar Boolean A Boolean value which indicates if the sheets-bar will be displayed.
use-culture-decimals Boolean If set to true, the Spreadsheet formula parser will obey the decimal separator of the current culture. If set to false (default), the decimal separator in formulas will always be the dot.This flag has implications on how formulas are entered. When it is set to true, in cultures where the decimal separator is the comma (,), similar to Excel, the following additional changes upon entering a formula will occur: The semicolon will become a function argument separator. For example, =SUM(A1;A2) instead of =SUM(A1,A2). or The backslash will become an element separator in an array formula. For example, ={1\2;3\4} instead of ={1,2;3,4}.. This flag only affects the presentation - the way formulas are entered by the end user or displayed on screen. Serialization to JSON or XLSX as well as the public API functions will continue to use the dot as decimal separator and the comma as an argument separator (canonical form). For example, to apply a formula by using the API, even if useCultureDecimals is in effect, you still need to use the canonical form.To make the API functions obey useCultureDecimals, wrap your code in a call to sheet.withCultureDecimals. Assuming a culture where the comma is used for decimals, compare the previous example with the following one.
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